What if the UFO/Paranormal-physical experience is about an intelligence that is reflective (like a mirror) and telepathic. In that whatever your core beliefs are that is the experience you will have? This comes from the first ten minutes of a video I watched today from a UPARS lecture: Dr. Joseph Burkes (05-17-16) The ET Virtual Experience Hypothesis .
It is an interesting hypothesis and yes, doesn't cover all of the phenomena, but could explain part of it. Have you ever considered that there might be more than one intelligence operating on the planet at the same time that is not indigenous to the planet, or that one of them is indigenous and the rest are not? AND… that none of them really have our best interests at heart or that they are simply responding to what they find at the core of each our beings - not bad or good - just reflecting back to us what we are? It is only our extreme arrogance that leads us to believe that we are the only ones with intelligence. (snort)
Here is the thing - people from all walks of life have been considering the question of life outside this planet forever. In every philosophical and religious school the question has come up. The only place it is shunned is in todays 'hardcore' scientific thought. If you grew up in 50's and 60's as I did, you were assaulted by the core philosophy of scientism. One that corralled you and very efficiently brainwashed you to quell any unusual thought/curiosity, on purpose in all higher learning establishments.
The curious thing is that, according to your belief system, whatever that may be, what you see/experience/and come to know as extraterrestrial is directly created by your core belief systems. This is interesting to me because it conforms a bit to the new-age premise of 'we create our reality'. So my question becomes, are we?
We are soooo used to fighting against, or working with a material world that most of the time is combative - I mean, my gosh look at gravity, it takes you at least nine months as a baby to master it enough to stand up and find locomotion - that the thought that it could be so totally effected by our core beliefs - which we consider ineffectual thoughts seems downright ludicrous to us. But, as you get into the fringe you begin to realize that thoughts can be actual things… And, you are told that whatever your core belief system is, that is what the universe delivers to you even if you don't know what your core beliefs are. (Talk about convoluted) So in one way this reflective intelligence might just be the universe giving us exactly what we believe (or have been programmed to believe) making all the phenomena we experience sort of caused by us - or at least called by us. On the other hand, have you ever noticed that nobody likes being that responsible for themselves? Could it be that we are all so very intuitive that we run away from it? If we didn't we couldn't function in a society like the one we live in today. Caroline Myss goes into this in her book, 'Invisible Acts of Power: Personal Choices that Create Miracles'. Or what if we are not running away but have been brainwashed away so that we are much more malleable and controllable by TPTB? IMO, its sneaking out anyway all over the place.
As a more organic matter based example of this, take these two recent articles:

Human-Pig Hybrid Created in the Lab—Here Are the Facts
Scientists hope the chimera embryos represent key steps toward life-saving lab-grown organs.
We have read about Chimeras in ancient history - we have seen it in Egyptian depictions of their gods. We re-imagined it, and here it is.
It's real: Metallic hydrogen has been created for the first time. Hydrogen is now a metal.
More than 80 years after it was first predicted, physicists have created metallic hydrogen - a mysterious form of hydrogen that could be capable of superconducting electricity without resistance at room temperature.
Scientists have long suspected that hydrogen could exist as a metal in certain parts of the Universe, but this is the first time metallic hydrogen has ever been created on Earth, and the material is even stranger and more fascinating than scientists imagined. From <http://www.sciencealert.com/hydrogen-has-been-turned-into-a-metal-for-the-first-time-ever>
This is only one of the many new ways science is being re-imagined. One of my favourites is Electric Universe theory - for a lot of reasons, not the least of which is the simplified math and no needed creation of fictional things to explain the evidence before our eyes, like dark matter.
BEN DAVIDSON: Promising Electric Universe Investigations | Thunderbolts Podcast. From <https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HOPgRDjw7dM>
Then we have a person who studies subconscious trends in the human population by analyzing human linguistics and it seems we do have quite an influence on what does happen and how it happens, and even know about it before it happens. Not that I think his conclusions are correct - however, the data is very interesting.
So, why wouldn't the alien hypothesis of a reflective telepathic intelligence be correct too? What would be the easiest way to understand a culture that has no correspondence to you, or your experience, but to reflect back to it what it thinks and observe it's reaction? The old adage of 'what you turn your attention to expands' is looking more and more like it is correct to me. Which, if true, needs to be born with all the caution and wisdom we can muster, lest we turn into another 'Forbidden Planet'. The Buddhist philosophy of the Middle Way is looking better and better all the time.
My thought for the day…
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