Someday after mastering winds, waves, tides and gravity, we shall harness the energies of love, and then, for the second time in the history of the world, man will discover fire.
— Teilhard de Chardin1
If I could say one thing about this new book I'm reading, "Microcosm and Medium", by Joseph P. Farrell, it would be that it is a comprehensive lesson on all topics leading to an exploration of consciousness from several viewpoints such as the Mandela effect, 'Affekt' itself and how the medium of space itself can be manipulated on a gigantic scale through the manipulation of consciousness. I have blogged before about how large material systems could be used to do this, (Read 'Giza Death Star' by Farrell) but now because of the internet and almost telepathic communication - well, instantaneous communication - we can look at the other side of the uncertainty principle - or as it were, bench engineer the observer effect and make it do something to the world. I am always harping on stuff like this.
Here is where the nitty gritty work begins. Because we must be aware of the causes of our trashed world and our mind cages to be able to CHOOSE to say no. And then, we must have an enormous power of love behind it all (cohered intent) to choose not to exact revenge, but to disempower the whole thing by choosing to love the entire world and heal it, instead.
However you are called to do this is the way it should be done. There will be as many ways as there are people, once our subconscious-consensus realizes the power we have to create and heal. And we will. Because we were made that way. We were made to love and cherish all of what and whom we encounter. We were made to stand and emit waves of intelligent infinity, or love to all of creation. We were made to be creators. From <https://alsionsbells.wordpress.com/2017/02/16/the-opened-heart-plus-the-enlightened-mind/>
Because I am of the opinion that we are being used and this is being done by several groups for several purposes - some of them good and some of the nefarious.
Coherent consciousness creates order in the world. Subtle interactions link us with each other and the Earth. When human consciousness becomes coherent, the behavior of random systems may change. Random number generators (RNGs) based on quantum tunneling produce completely unpredictable sequences of zeroes and ones. But when a great event synchronizes the feelings of millions of people, our network of RNGs becomes subtly structured. We calculate one in a trillion odds that the effect is due to chance. The evidence suggests an emerging noosphere or the unifying field of consciousness described by sages in all cultures. http://noosphere.princeton.edu/
There are times when we share with others a special, fully interconnected consciousness. When great music thrills us, or we are mutually inspired by an awesome sunset, or when we fall in love, we are transported temporarily into a shared world which is remarkable. This state of true intermingling is rare, for most of us, but it is experiential, and that means we know it for what it is; we feel it immediately as real and filled with meaning. When such an experience is past and we return to our normal, separated perceptions, the experience becomes a vulnerable memory, and our educated personality may reject the consciousness that knew this deeper connection. Yet, the suspicion remains that there is something of mind that is not just inside our heads. We feel interconnected with each other and the world in a profound and important way. We know at some level that we are not isolated, but interdependent, so that a subtle energy of mine can reach out and mingle with yours, allowing us to share a moment that is important to both of us. If we think of this potential extending beyond the two of us to a world full of living beings, we have the foundation for a model for global consciousness. Maybe, as Teilhard de Chardin believed, the world ultimately needs that shared consciousness and is actively growing toward it.
The research described here points to subtle indications that we do live in an interconnected, potentially conscious world, in which we surely play an important role. We have shown immense capacities for both destructive and creative impact, and this implies that the future is ours to mold. It will be a desirable future in proportion to our level of consciousness, individually and globally. Fortunately, there are intriguing signs of an emerging integration of purpose and perspective in the world, though it remains fragile and as delicate as a newborn. For this integration to mature, we need great patience, and what we think of as good luck. Perhaps by being more conscious of the possibilities, we can lessen the need for patience and increase our portion of luck. From <http://noosphere.princeton.edu/story.html>
When I talk about things like the direct manipulation of the subconscious-consensus, think Schrodinger's Cat on steroids, a Cosmic Cat. IF you wanted to test the observer hypothesis on a large scale to see if it would change the physical medium, the constants of our universe like: the speed of light, the plank constant, the cosmological constant, or the gravitational constant, how would you do it? You would have to design an experiment that would affect large numbers of select people in designated clusters with one set of information - the manipulated set, with control groups where no information was manipulated. You would probably have to use mass media or some other way of connecting them to get out specific information. Then you would use services like the NSA server farm, GCHQ, and or the CERN servers to observe and correlate your data.
What would be the types of things you'd be looking for in your data set bbesides the constants mentioned above? You would look for weird things like:
The Man from Taured (sometimes referred to as the Taured Mystery or the Man without a Country ) is a story about a man who arrives at a Japanese airport from a country called Taured. Many people have claimed this story to be true, so the crux of the problem pertains to Taured. One would notice that there is no country by the name of Taured, either today or during the purported period of time when the incident took place, i.e. the 1950s. The story ends with the man disappearing (forever) a day after arriving in Japan. Moreover, all of his personal documents, such as his passport and driver’s license also (conveniently) disappeared, thus making this strange story unsolvable. From <https://www.ancient-origins.net/unexplained-phenomena/mysterious-tale-man-taured-evidence-parallel-universes-or-embellishment-005788>
Lerina Garcia woke up one morning and noticed minor differences. Her sheets were unfamiliar, and the pajamas she was wearing were different from the ones she'd gone to sleep in. Her day got weirder when she went to work and discovered that her office was no longer hers, and she worked in the same building, but in a different department, under a boss she'd never met. Bamboozled, she returned home, only to find that her ex-boyfriend was there — only he wasn't her ex, he was her current boyfriend. Her new lover, whom she'd been dating for months, was nowhere to be found. Lerina believes she woke here, but she's from a parallel universe where the differences are as small as her bedspread, and as significant as her love life. From <https://www.buzzfeed.com/christopherhudspeth/9-eerie-stories-of-people-who-mayve-experienced-a-parallel-d?utm_term=.ocWmYX8Qw>
I specifically remember the news report of Mandela dying in prison in the 1980's. I remember where I was while hearing those reports on TV and what time of day it was, the age of my children and feeling the world had seriously taken a turn for the worse.
Believe it or not, I started to talk to my weird friends in the 80's about feeling like I had moved sideways to another, very similar parallel universe because of the 'feel' of things' like an overall tonal effect had distinctly changed.
You would also look for previously uncorrelated things like solar effects and the earth-facing-quiet that Ben Davidson of Suspicious Observes is known for. Or the well-known in some circles solar effect on the stock market. Etc.
Looked at from a cosmological standpoint, you would also begin to speculate that your universe may have become 'porous' and where your universe abuts up against another one there may be doorways (portals) and or rips in our fabric of space time - like little hernias. And maybe at some point the nuclear detonations in the 20th century helped that process along just a bit. This basically boils down to an attempt to manipulate the fabric of space time through consciousness.
If this sounds crazy, then I suggest you look onto William A. Tiller's research, Thomas Bearden, the soviet research, Stanford University, Duke University, Princeton University, Russel Targ, Hall Puthoff, Dean Radin and others.
What could you accomplish with controlling the group (macro) observer effect of which the Mandela effect is an experimental tool? Well, if the observer effect is real and it is obvious somebody thinks it's really real, then these Mandela effect experiments are an effort to learn about it and to control it - imagine the power that would create for somebody? Also if they wanted people to never find out about this you would create CHAOS - confusion, expectancy, anger and hate, to make people hopeless and helpless - like a mass MKULTA operation in the population. We are all quite aware of that part of it, aren't we?
Then we have the science end of this approach. In 1935 Gabriel Kron proved that certain transient effects in large rotating electrical fields could be explained by higher dimensional math. He stated that every electrical field is a hybrid dimensional machine because it requires math in more than 3 dimensions to explain it. In the 19th century alone this small partial list of scientists and their work should illustrate that we are actually already engineering the physical medium and using it. We ourselves, are operating electromagnetic fields.
Einstein’s 1928 Special Relativity Paper: incorporation of the torsion tensor made the theory bench engineerable – whether the math eloquently ‘finished’ the theory or not, the equation made laboratory invention of devices to change the local energy of gravity The Kaluza -Klein Theory that unifies gravity and electromagnetism by the introduction of a new spatial dimension: time, thus uniting Einstein’s theory of gravity with Maxwell’s theory of light by introducing the fifth dimension; four dimensions of space and one dimension of time. Kaluza assumed that light is a disturbance caused by the rippling of this higher dimension.
Dr. Nikolai Kozyrev and zero point energy, dynamic torsion and its effects on the physical medium like time alteration/gravity.
Gabriel Kron’s: tensor equations for electrical machines
E.T. Whittaker: electromagnetic vortices in the space/time medium
Tesla’s: ideas on standing waves (longitudinal waves ) in the medium and that the fabric of space time acts like a fluid to solid bodies and a solid to light and heat
Lt. Col. Tom Bearden: engineering the fabric of the space time continuum is the ability to suddenly put energy into a target area and the ability to suddenly extract energy from a target area
Thomas Townsend Brown: research into odd electrical effects led him to believe he had discovered a connection between strong electric fields and gravity, a type of antigravity effect
When you add this all up it equates to: We can now do anything we like to the physical medium – space, energy, the planet, the sun, life and life force, and us – all of us – body/ /mind/emotions/spirit. So when you hear things like a ‘sun-burp’ or ascension flash – beware, be wary, be very aware: the technology exists to actually create a sun burp. It is not a thing that will happen ‘just because’. It will be created. The reason the idea exists in all surviving ancient myth folklore and ancient texts is because it has been done before. (think ancient psy-op). From <https://alsionsbells.wordpress.com/2017/11/20/out-on-a-limb-no-a-twig-practically-thin-air-here/>
What I'm getting at is that somebody very badly wants to be King of the Universe and has come at the problem of manipulating space time from every conceivable angle for a very long time. Add CERN into the equation and you have a gross manipulation of the planetary electromagnetic field which affects us and thereby spacetime and also effects the sun and the larger solar system.
The last step in all this is Tiller's studies on coherent Intension in a group working with a formally specified intension, much like old prayers, old written mantras, ritual things, where everybody says the same words with the same meaning behind them. Formally. Specified. Intension. In a positive manner, almost as a defense. (to de-fence us…)
Now whether this is right or not at this juncture of our development is a moot point, because it already exists. Being one that really does know that there are benevolent forces out there keeping an eye on this extreme game being played called earth, I am pretty sure that no grand carnage will be allowed to occur. However, just like the ancient failed machinery of the megalithic world, the ruins of which we live and breathe in, and the attempt to be sneaky about its machinery back then, we: the muggles are being used in a last ditch attempt to alter the physical medium by using the force of our minds and hearts to get us all humming in one direction and thusly creating the exact effect the somebodies who would be King want. Sneakier still, instead of using the planet they are using the life force of the planet - us.
Get Joseph Farrell's new book on Lulu and while you are waiting, listen to this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Cs9f8Fpz8wU&t=53s
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