Supernatural is a null word…

October 16, 2017 Alison Bell 0

What do Morris K. Jessup, Carlos Allende, Grey Barker and the Varo annotated edition of Jessup’s book “The Case for the UFO’s’ 1955 all have in common with RF interferometry, the entire electromagnetic spectrum, the recent fires in Santa Rosa CA, and MKUltra, the Navy, Vegas, 5G, the hurricanes, the SSP, Antarctica, Paleophysics and antediluvian technology and just about every other spooky thing going on right now???   The ‘Fourth Physics’ – the physics of quantum mechanics, and wave forms and the electromagnetic spectrum and its engineerability. That is what connects to every dot. What no one has seen fit [-MORE-]

October 12, 2017 Alison Bell 0

In this day and age, we show support for a thing with money. Even such totally intangible things as ideas. We are awash in a sea of advertising whose sole purpose is to entice us to part with the tangible evidence of our energetic output: money. Then we pay for what we have been told we need and these products subtly tell us who and what we are and should become: we are engineered. If that is not enough, we are bombarded by information of all types whose sole purpose is to create an emotional context, a background in our [-MORE-]

The Great Expectancy

October 10, 2017 Alison Bell 0

What does a frequency create? A disruption or a change in the physical medium – or our 3D space. A frequency has a rhythm, but no vector. That is, it is a potential area of stress or tension in the physical medium, until it is acted upon. Stress and tension. Anticipation. A waiting. A holding potential – until it is nudged in a certain direction. Then depending on all sorts of factors all of which are directional, when combined with the area of potential you have movement and actual 3D effects. This is much like the mechanical device discussed last [-MORE-]


October 2, 2017 Alison Bell 0

Hegelian dialectic: In simplistic terms, one can consider it thus; problem → reaction → solution. From <> Ergo; if you take a beleaguered people and point out to them the cruelty under which they are living, thusly creating an awareness that there is a problem, then you can offer a solution… But: in most monotheistic religious thought, that protection from a god comes with a price which in all traditions comes down to a sacrifice of actual blood. The question is asked by many: “Why do we have to pay to live in our own world?” This is our would, [-MORE-]