Dream your dreams of a new earth. Dream them loudly. Dream them passionately. Dream them as though they were a lover's call, for they are. We are - all of us - calling to the creation of a new timeline for earth, a better, more peaceful, more compassionate, abundant, fresh green earth. The better we dream it, the more love we call it with, the more magnificent it will be.
Those of you that have the heart, those of you that have the vision, those of you who have not forgotten, we need you. Those amongst us who are the writers, the musicians, the poets, the lovers, the artists, the composers all, find in your hearts all that is good wondrous and beautiful and sing it out loudly for all to hear. Ring it across the land, across the hearts and minds of men and beast alike.
A new promise, a new vow, a new awareness, a great love to the world's great heart. Every voice that rises in this song shall be heard. Not one will be forgotten. This will be how we build this new world: in our call for love and in our call to love. Love has no opposite, as it has been taught to me. It simply is sent or received. Love is. It is the fabric of which we are made and by which we all continue.
It is within our love that this new world that is beginning to emerge will be born.
For those of us who are old and tired and only have dim memories of a time when; when love was, when love worked, when love healed all, when love was the reason to continue, it will be your song that we will feel in our bones. It will be your song calling us back to the dream we once knew, it will be your song that resonates through all of the energies that are Gaia and heals her and all parts of her.
Dream your dream LOUDLY. Send out your vision strong enough that others may wake and see it too. Because then when the rest awake they will have dreams too, and NOT one will go unseen, unheard, or be forgotten..
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