What if, only those who can understand will survive and thrive?
I would hate for that to be the truth, but in reality, everybody has a choice in this. The hardest thing to accept for some people is that they must choose and there is no mommy/daddy/god out there deciding for them.
There has been a two pronged (probably more but these two are the most obvious) plan in effect that was built to keep those of intellectual inability from assessing and putting together the pieces and those who were spiritually behind from understanding the game, to ferret out those who could. And the those who could were the ones they were interested in and had the genetics to succeed and survive. The rest were for farming.
The things we see going on, that we understand to be fairly obvious, are not so obvious to others. Some from lack of understanding, and some from the need to stay spiritually immature (the need to be told what to think). In this two pronged plan, those are the people who eat the GMO's let big pharma kill them, believe the mainstream/lamestream news, vaccinate themselves and think every institution today is benevolent and there to care for and watch over them and treat the policies created by those institutions like the word of god.
These are the people who are being sussed out by the tactics we see going on today around the mass hypnosis of society. They want to know who can see through the veils. That is why five years have gone by since 2012. They didn't know how stupid some of us were, and they had absolutely no idea how many of us were really intelligent. This is because the programs we have all unwittingly been thrown into the middle of - the dumbing down, the killing by poison, the mass hypnosis etc. has worked on fewer people than they thought possible, and it really did do a number on the rest of the people.
For those of us who could put puzzles together there has been a frustration of huge proportions because we don't understand how they can get away with and continue to get away with the stupidity of what is going on - especially when it is so obvious to us. On top of all that, the need of proof, the burden of proof, has fallen upon our shoulders. And even when the we have presented so much truth that the weight of it is that of a neutron star, there are still those who still stolidly refuse to see what is in front of their noses.
For about the last hundred years there has been what I shall term mainstream information out there that has been telling us all about 'it' and the only reason some people can't get onboard with it is because the 'sanctified' sources have not said it to be true.
So it boils down to the difference between people who want to 'OBEY' and those who don't give a crap who are conscious enough to see/understand the game. If you are obeying - you don't look at information like that - or you stick to the idea that it is just a story, or for religious reasons you ignore even scientific fact, because it is easier that way.
Therein lies all the confusion concerning our history - our deep history, how many times civilization has risen and fallen, how long it has taken us to come back from these cataclysms/catastrophes and our resiliency. We didn't start 10,000 years ago. We are not alone. There is no such thing as aliens b/c we ARE the aliens.
It's just that right now we are fighting an actual alien invasion of the type that would like to keep us all stupid and farmed - but it seems that there are too many of us that are awake for it to happen the way it was planned. (part of the word stupid means uninformed - thus the underhanded infiltration of society so as not to be obvious enough for us to fight back). But don't worry we are also infiltrated by those who are here to help, also non overtly.
Waking up is a choice and a privilege with responsibilities. More could be awake were it not for the intense program to keep us farm fodder. This is what we must correct. Our relatives out there think so too - they are willing to help, but they cannot open our minds for us - we have to do that - we have to shake off the shackles of thousands of years of mind bending programming and fear. And we have to do it NOW! Like yesterday. And there has to be enough of us to create a tipping point that will have enough momentum to take the rest of humanity with us.
We have reached that tipping point and passed it (I'm pretty sure) - good news. But because there is free will and choice, there will be those who actually choose to ignore this whole paradigm. We are all allowed choice with NO exceptions.
I pray you, choose well.
“I asked the tree, “Tell me about God”; then it blossomed.”