Joseph Farrell and Jim Marrs both extensively cover the covert hidden technology and infiltration of the Nazi 4th Reich in the world. The research is overwhelming. The connected dots are rock solid. I have spent the last week running through Jim Mars interviews on his books about this and Joseph Farrell's interviews on his books. One particular source Forum Borealis is quite thorough and in depth with Farrell on Die Glocke (another name for the project was…Chronos"… let that sink in) and where it and some of the scientists went that were working on it post WW2. Apparently quite a lot of Nazi loot went to somewhere in Argentina with 20$ billion, including a number of scientists working on high energy plasma and torsion fields. Project paper clip brought one of them, a Dr. Davis to the US who worked closely with Von Braun. There is quite a bit of evidence that points to a plasma physics program that was developed side by side with the beginnings of the public space program in the US.
When you add all of Richard Dolan's research and musings into this mix, you also see that there was yet a third grouping of people who were concurrently developing exotic technology right along with the Nazi's and the US that had their beginning back in the late 1800's. Walter Bosley's 'Friends from Sonora'
Then there is the theory that the Nazi's who went on expeditions down to Antarctica in the 1930's had found something extremely relevant because when they came back, they were lauded and honored and then all information went black. When Hess fled to England to offer a 'deal' to the British, he was put in prison and never let out. Hess was on the expedition to Antarctica in the 30's. It is rumored he hanged himself, but upon examination it was found that his hyoid bone was crushed, which only happens due to strangulation. He had a wound scar on his left side and autopsy proceedings did not find it, so there is also speculation that the Hess that flew to Britain, was a body double. What would he have told the world had he been let loose?
So we have some very interesting fields of research being kept quiet: High voltage plasma vortex research and antediluvian civilization technology treasure searches - even if you only look at UFO's as an adjunct or outgrowth of these topics. And this is only from the 'hard science' end of things. When you add in the esoteric science research to this mix it gets truly wild. Especially when the marriage of science and esoteric philosophies (we can't even say esoteric or energy science yet) is what got the Nazi's to the point of the 'Bell' or Die Glocke, and what drove them around the world looking for old manuscripts and information that could be rethought for use in weapons technology.
I think the world has been involved in the Mother of all False Flags for well over a century.
We have been caught trying to make sense of a matrix of lies so cleverly woven together that there is no way in the current definitions of facts and evidence to tweek it out. I think there are about four informational layers to this web (probably more but it's what I can see).
1.The first is the Nuts and Bolts.
2.The next is the quantum/plasma /vortex/energy hard science layer.
3.The third is the historical layer of who did what to whom when and what they stole/hid and outright lied about.
4.The last is the non-physical/energetic/spiritual/dimensional aspect that without which none of the other three layers will make sense.
This is a very 3 dimensional information problem, where all the layers contact each other at different points in a matrix and NOT a linear puzzle! If you refuse the reality of any layer, the whole informational block collapses and none of it will make any sense.
We have been programmed to reject certain key element of the information so we have not figured out just what the whole thing looks like. We are trying to work in the dark - once again like the three blind men trying to describe the elephant. And willfully so. For the longest time we have been taught that consideration of any esoteric data points was a very good way to get shut down. IMO should we begin to scientifically connect those data points It will be a V8 moment. If fact, that may be the very reason why we have, of late, been inundated by people claiming to know so and so from planet whatever with all the correct information so as to obfusticate the real data, only because we have been such ignoramuses denying certain fields of information - which I might add, the Russians have not and look where they are with their research in frontiers of scientific discovery!
Haven't you ever wondered WHY the esoteric sciences were so proscribed?
proscribe: forbid, especially by law, denounce or condemn. Syn: forbid, prohibit, ban, bar, interdict, make illegal, embargo, outlaw, disallow, veto; enjoin
This certainly doesn't mean I'm advocating going of half-crazy diving into everything without your own methods of research and validation, or that every source is bogus, it just means that we should not discount the weight of that knowledge when combined with other areas - to be interdisciplinary is very important. We need to test out the science we find in the old manuscripts to see if we can back engineer any of it. We OBVIOUSLY know that there was antediluvian technology involved in the monolithic sites we see all over the world. Many of these old writings actually had several layers to them - a metaphysical one, a moral one and a pure science one. The writers assumed the readers would also know how to read the entire meaning into the texts. It is rumored one of those texts was responsible for the physics that was used to create Die Glocke, and that the science that came out of that actually led to the high energy plasma physics now being studied… dare I mention portal, or time travel, or worm holes, or quantum computing????? Which, when you think about it, would link up whistleblower testimony like Andrew Basiago, Corey Goode, Thompkins and others to modern day science!
I look at it this way - they aren't lying to us, but somebody is and these guys have taken the fall to expose one side of the situation. Had the real science been public, their testimony would not only make sense but implicate a bunch of ppl who wish to not be known above and beyond the 4th Reich and the Illuminati. The in-depth historical research has truly been done and points to some pretty odd conclusions but when you combine it with the thinking above it becomes explosive.
That pretty much puts it out in plain sight - are we going to deny and ignore this by doing nothing - saying nothing, and in effect give our agreement to this nonsense, fighting about useless points, or are we finally going to say, "The Jig's up!!
It's a 3D problem, so if you want to see the whole thing and get your 'ah-ha!' on, you can't leave out one whole corner of it!
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