This is a place where we can, as Rene likes to say, complete a thought in over 140 characters. It is a place where we can weave our ideas into whole concepts, tell the stories of our experiences, report the very fadery stuff that we have happen in our lives, and have a way to share it with everybody.
We had some very real authorship going on in that 'other' site, and I delved into each post with delicious glee. You faders really say what I want to know. You all have interesting, wonderful ideas and experiences. You all have magnificent insights. Night to night I read your tweets on the deck and think so many short posts would make wonderful blog posts, because of the connections made between different factoids and theories and the sheer genius of what you say in under 140 characters. It's amazing. I know everybody has a life out there, in the other world. I know you are all busy. BUT take 15 minutes every so often and write a post. Just a post, not a research article (unless you want to) and drop us all a note on your thoughts.
We have poets, we have deep thinkers, we have pattern recognition specialists, we have researchers, we have out-of-the-box-thinkers, we have people who have almost over 60 years of interest in this field, (who have watched it morph into many things) and we have experiencers of all kinds. This blog has the potential to be a living legacy, a place where the real people (us) can give clues, lay out visions and be a repository of a very wide view point on what is happening now.
That aside, it's going to be just plain fun! I want to hear from you all. (Pretty please?)
Oh Alison, The new move was so easy, thank you Drew! As time permits I so enjoy reading your post…. wish we could have brought the old post over here for the legacy you speak of…. but new , fresh starts are sometimes what is best . We are home.
Drew, looking good!