Imagine being embroiled in a solar system civil war. Imagine having to flee from your entire planet, better yet imagine that your planet got blown up, and your inhabited moon got the atmosphere ripped from it by an out of control plasma weapon. Where would you go?
What if some of you, understanding the scope of what could happen had already prepared a monster ship and had it ready and waiting for just such an eventuality. However, it was damaged by this civil war too, so you basically had to limp to the next closest place with an atmosphere available.
You were the survivors, both victors and losers of this insane war. You had to pull together. The only place you have is the next planet over. It is inhabited, but not with a species that is awake and enlightened as you are - as far as you can tell.
The solar system is now quite out of balance and the resonant signatures that held the planets in secure stable orbits around the sun are out of balance. When your planet blew up it caused ripples in your system and every planet was effected - even the local star cluster. However, you need to park your limping behemoth of a ship somewhere close to the planet you have chosen and it must be perfect or it will further destabilize the entire system. You calculate very carefully.
This planet is primitive, it has no technology, no manufacturing and no social structure other than the limited ones created by a blossoming hominid species which only goes as far as the local tribal groups. Because you have lost your manufacturing base forever, as a people you decide on a plan to preserve your knowledge as thousands of years wear on and you can begin to develop the infrastructure enough to support industry.
Once you begin your mining operations and development of infrastructure, you realize that you are in deep trouble. The work is unimaginably hard and difficult. The gravity is different and your bodies were not made for this. It is decided to use the indigenous population as slaves to provide the man power needed to accomplish the herculean task of rebuilding technology from the ground up. These people are not ready yet for this, so it is decided to give them a DNA 'boost' and within a few generations have a worker force that could actually understand what they are being told to do.
So you construct your slaves and put your plan of technology reservoirs in place. This plan requires you to encode information in structures that are constructed to operate in more than 4 dimensions. Even with the slaves helping, the building of the infrastructure required to manufacture the equipment to accomplish your eventual escape is thousands of years away. Although some of the survivors of your war did escape off planet to places unknown, you really didn't expect them back any time soon. So you have become exiled to this planet and you see the gradual break down of your technology and knowledge loss and plan to bank the information against when it will be surely forgotten in the mists of time.
Meanwhile, this slave race you have created has multiplied enormously and has gotten, so to speak, quite out of hand. After the war, both sides of the ideology have survived and you still have not resolved your differences or the ideological rifts that tore your people apart. One side of you thinks that the people you have created are quite unique and valuable - beautiful even. The other side of you hates them for they are seen as interlopers on their own planet, simply in the way and getting worse. When you put an intelligence upgrade into these indigenous folk, you never imagined it would be exponentially more than what you had planned. They have become a threat.
The above is how it might have happened, in my mind's eye. It is agreed by several scientific disciplines that the great scar on Mars was probably the result of a plasma strafing, Whether the result of static discharge from planets out of orbit and passing to close to each other, or the direct result of a weapons discharge, is not known. It is also accepted now ( Bode's Law) that the asteroid belt is the rubble of a once existing planet. Tom van Flandern’s Exploding Planet Hypothesis in Dark Matter, Missing Planets and New Comets, asserts that a former major planet between Mars and Jupiter exploded. There is also the Electric Universe Theory that is all about the electrical discharges going off around the solar system when the disruption of all of the planets occurred. There is no doubt that the solar system was in total disarray around 3.2 mya. ( https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oophJNlP-fk ) The rest of my speculation comes from hours of note taking and listening to Joseph P. Farrell's interviews on his numerous books. (1) IMO, Joseph Farrell, a genius, a Dr. of Patristics from Oxford, has pretty well captured the middle layer of our vast history.
As I see it, This planet once was inhabited by a saurian race, who had no less than 3, three intelligent races developing on this planet, when the (as old, old occultists called it ) 'ring-pass-not' around this system was destroyed. In came the Genetic Farmers who gave them the choice to leave or be destroyed. Or it could be the asteroid that destroyed the saurian population here was the direct result of the civil war. Either way, some went underground here and some left and many were decimated.
Then we had a bunch of ppl who started various genetic experiments on this planet, more or less in a natural way. But the refugees came in and engineered out-right changes in the indigenous population. I imagine that they were allowed to settle here too, by agreement or treaty with the 22 genetic farmer races in a kind of hands off policy for a measure of time. (Treaty of Mohammed?) However, once we discovered Open Loop physics (ZPE) - not just the nuclear bomb - and we jangled the subspace medium, it signaled to groups of others out there that we were about to enter into the greater sphere of action in the galaxy, or destroy our planet - which could not be allowed. Councils were convened and a great many people from this place were allowed to present their ideas and plead for clemency - a chance to go on in front of a group of races whose job it is to make sure people like us did't blow up the universe before we understood the new physics we had found.
What no one ever expected was the ridiculous heights the civil war would reach, nor how long it would actually last, or the fact that we as a planet are still dealing with that idiocy. The two ideologies of this group can be related to science in that one could be considered a model of Closed System Physics (Einsteinian) and one could be Open System physics (Zero Point).
Amazingly this translated into a deep philosophical structure in the rest of their culture. Meaning, the closed system of thought structure developed into a closed loop debt financial system, slavery and the thought patterns of lack, not enough, and hierarchy.
The open system thought structure is one we have consigned to the mists of time and fairy tale that was abundance, real money created without debt, sharing, and interdisciplinary scientific thought. (We haven't seen this for eons, in fact, we have been trained to see this as highly improbably and unable to work) Not surprisingly the closed loop has been termed Patriarchal and the open loop has been termed Matriarchal. These are thought structures - attitudes (operands) that have played out in the world in to every part of daily life: financial, educational philosophical, moral, ethical, emotional and intellectual attitudes that have shaped the very core of all interactions in 3D life. We have two sets of types of action imperatives that play out into the structures of society. (IMO it is time we discover the third)
This civil war, that most the planet is not even aware of, has caused quite a mess on the planet at this time of our entry (hopefully) into a broader society of beings. It has been taken under consideration that this planet is a melting pot of many, many races, and that the normal peaceful progression of a planet into a space faring race is not cogent here. Therefore, deep examination of all sides is imperative. This is still going on as we live and go about our daily lives and not a one of us really knows about this for sure - however, I have my inklings.
The aggressive poverty, scarcity, debt slavery system that we are currently all trying to find a way out of is about to end. As a matter of fact, by agreement, it was supposed to be over a hundred years or so ago. However these people do not want to give up the ghost and are threatening the childish, 'Well, if we can't have want we want, we will destroy it all!' type of psychopathic end game. From what I can gather, that will not be allowed to happen if - and here's the caveat - we say we don't want it and can say what we do want. This can be singularly hard, because when you are in an extremely abusive situation, all you can conceive of is 'what you don't want'. You begin to think about 'what you do want', once you are safe.
The regressionist closed loop structure people who think we are still their slaves (and right now we are) want to blast us back to the stone age once again. Think Georgia Guide Stones. The other side of this civil war, who, IMO went underground about a million years ago have been keeping out of everything, are ready to help us begin to heal and rethink our value systems. IMO - this is the other side of the civil war, the open system thought people. This could be good IF they have truly left behind the damned war. Otherwise, we are trading masters.
I mean the 'we' that they created. Legend says that they loved us and even pled for our freedom (that didn't work b/c they wound up underground and in a sense hiding from their insane brethren) I suppose soon here, we will all get the chance to find out because the councils have decided that no such Tower of Babel event will occur this time, and that the civil war will end, and out of the two, will be born the third - the balance. Then the peoples of this planet, where ever their origins - whatever ever their origins, will be admitted into the greater unity of life in the universe.
Let's hope so.
The Giza Death Star: The Paleophysics of the Great Pyramid and the Military Compound at Giza. The Giza Death Star Deployed: The Physics and Engineering of the Great Pyramid. Reich of the Black Sun: Nazi Secret Weapons and the Cold War Allied Legend. The Giza Death Star Destroyed: The Ancient War for Future Science. The SS Brotherhood of the Bell: NASA's Nazis, JFK, and MAJIC-12. The Cosmic War: Interplanetary Warfare, Modern Physics, and Ancient Texts. Secrets of the Unified Field: The Philadelphia Experiment, The Nazi Bell, and the Discarded Theory. The Philosopher's Stone: Alchemy and the Secret Research for Exotic Matter. The Nazi International: The Nazis' Postwar Plan to Control Finance, Conflict, Science, and Space. Roswell and the Reich: The Nazi Connection. Babylon's Banksters: The Alchemy of Deep Physics, High Finance, and Ancient Religion. LBJ and the Conspiracy to Kill Kennedy: A Coalescence of Interests. Genes, Giants, Monsters, and Men: The Surviving Elites of the Cosmic War and their Hidden Agenda. The Grid of the Gods: The Aftermath of the Cosmic War and the Physics of the Pyramid Peoples (with Scott D. de Hart)
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