Have you noticed lately that we are all becoming? Becoming new, different and shedding much from our systems that we don't want? People we know are finding the courage to become new lovers, new husbands and wives, new healers, new writers and podcasters, new artists and truth tellers? This theme of new is emerging in the subconscious consensus much the same way the new green shoots of grass and the budding of the leaves on the trees in spring happens.
Underneath all the world's current supposed ugliness, new growth is happening and coming out all over the place like spring flowers in a forest poking through last year's decayed leaves. There seems to be a loosening of the old constraints around our creative souls, around the expression of our true selves. I'm seeing it everywhere I look, and not because I was looking for it beforehand. It's because it's in my face. (now if we could just do something about my face…lmao)
There is an undercurrent of joy emerging in the face (there is that word again) of the starkest conditions outside of WWII I have ever witnessed. And it's NOT a movement - an exterior idea that everybody is getting on the bandwagon with - no - it’s a true emergence from inside the genuine spirit of humanity.
It's a new vibe, a new inner loosening of ages of sadness, a wonder to behold. I am thankful beyond belief. It's contagious too. Just seeing it lightens my heart and asks me to widen the crack in my old heart that the joy and light might get in a bit more. To me it heralds the upliftment of Gaia from the very vibe of the universe and we are the expression of that. It's happening - it's finally beginning. The best thing is, the more it spreads, through the undercurrent of the consensus mind of the world, the more people will begin to be touched by it. It's algorithmic. Spreading like an avalanche.
All I can say from what I have seen is that this under current of growth, opening and joy is what I have been waiting for all my life. It gives me hope for this planet and its peoples and our role in the future.
Carry on…
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