If we were conscious of our entire being, religion would not work on us. It would be non-applicable - couldn't apply - at all.
IMO, religion is a set of rules imposed upon a person and a culture to limit the exploration of who they really are. To confine the person, blind the person by hard headed denial to only one limited proscribed reality by rules, guilt, confusion, fear and punishment. At least the forms of religion that are with us today.
I have no doubt, that religion started out as a set of precepts that allowed development of ideas and practices that would ultimately lead to direct inner experience of the greater person beyond the physical. If you practiced the rules, you would one day wake up. I also have no doubt, just like every other set of teachings that were meant to free human kind, it was turned inside out and perverted to control mankind.
There are examples of this throughout ancient history :
As such, the mere existence of the possibility of the use of such technologies in ancient times reveals not only the possible agendas of those elites, but also raises the vexing possibility that the great “revelations,” beginning with Abram/Abraham and Moses, and the religions founded upon them, were nothing but the productions of a technology, and to serve an agenda more or less hidden from those being manipulated.
Farrell, Joseph P.. Genes, Giants, Monsters, and Men: The Surviving Elites of the Cosmic War and Their Hidden Agenda (Kindle Locations 152-155). Feral House. Kindle Edition.
“When we speak of suppression of evidence, we are not referring to scientific conspirators carrying out a satanic plot to deceive the public. Instead, we are talking about an ongoing social process of knowledge filtration that appears quite innocuous but has a substantial cumulative effect. Certain categories of evidence simply disappear from view, in our opinion unjustifiably.” — Michael A. Cremo, “Introduction and Acknowledgements,” from The Hidden History of the Human Race, p. xvii.
Farrell, Joseph P.. Genes, Giants, Monsters, and Men: The Surviving Elites of the Cosmic War and Their Hidden Agenda (Kindle Locations 183-187). Feral House. Kindle Edition.
The appearance of an organized spiritual technology, controlled by the priests, was attended in every country by a massive increase in human sacrifice. The Aztec massacres are notorious; the Druids in Ireland are said to have decimated the population. The innumerable sacrificial stones, carved with basins and channels for the flow of blood, and the traditional violent and bloody associations of so many ancient sites confirms what is recorded of the slaughter carried out by priests in the interests of necromancy. The practice of human sacrifice flourished in the ruins of the universal civilization. The secrets of spiritual invocation, once common property, had become exclusive to those appointed by the community to procure the seasonal renewal of fertility and interpret the will of god through the heavenly portents. The priests, thus established in a position of power, began, as do the members of all professions similarly placed, to extend their influence and activities and to make demands on the population for sacrificial offering. 96
Farrell, Joseph P.. The Grid of the Gods (Kindle Locations 2275-2283). SCB Distributors. Kindle Edition.
When and why this change showed up in the worlds organized population is the subject of some study by fearless researchers and there are many intriguing theories as to who and why
It is my contention that religion has been used on this planet to blind us to the greater reality that exists. Religion says look here, do it this way, no other way is right, and if you do look beyond these rules there will be very bad punishment for such behaviors and thinking. In other words, religion is a mind-cage. It has nothing what-so-ever to do with your connection to God (yes, big 'G', the real one).
religion (noun)
the belief in and worship of a superhuman controlling power, especially a personal God or gods.
"ideas about the relationship between science and religion"
There is no doubt in my mind that we have been dealing with a subversive takeover of this planet since before the flood - way before the flood. That after the flood, the group that was working for dominance got the upper hand and we are now living in their system of total control of the one thing that would save us from this domination: our Higher Selves, our Soul Aspect, the intangible human - all because of a bloody ideology set within us in a million variations. This is the biggest effing psy-op played on the planet of all time.
This is why the key to interspecies, ET, interdimensional communications lies in the 'phenomenal, superconscious realm. This is also the key to the higher physics that would elucidate the missing pieces explaining how the intangible human, and things like hyperdimensional travel and zero point energy work. It is also, IMO, the thing we MUST learn before we can actually emerge from this planet and become part of the larger picture.
Until we break through this thought-barrier, we are living in the dusk - barely able to apprehend, let alone understand the real driving forces behind who we are and what makes the universe tick. The main component to everything is consciousness and we have been sorely limited in our pursuit and understanding of even the more basic principles of it.
Consciousness IS the Unified Field
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