We sometimes forget the priorities we place on the value of ideas and things in our lives. We forget the importance of family and friends and pets, the normal everyday things we live around. We get involved and drawn into merciless on-line drivel that is specifically created to take our life energy - our 'cares' or our attention from what is really important in life.
I see this crafty manipulation of our attention in many things, many psychological games and what not. They are legion. I notice that when our attention is waning from those things, when whatever super entity that drives our attention notices it isn't getting enough of it, it revs things up a bit. I notice when the tenor of the postings on social media pick up, get flashier, so you read them. I notice when new things, new 'issues' pop up for us to get all wound up about, especially if in those rare times when you aren't on your phone out in public, and just might have to speak to someone, you'd better know about.
I recently saw a little gem on TedXCoconutGrove talks called: "The Magic of Not Giving a F***". Not giving a fuck is the same thing as giving a 'care'. However, I will tell you that I certainly remember it better by asking myself "How many fucks is this worth?" It was funny on the Ted Talk, it wasn't however on Thursday night on the radio. Immortalized forever… sigh, will I never learn?
But the point is valid. Really. All of us have been through a pretty 'interesting (as in the Chinese curse: 'May you live in interesting times.') time lately. Jimmy Church is right, that for the last couple of years we have had relatively quiet waters in the fringes where we like to live. We have also been smart enough not to get too tied up in all the sheeple political BS, or all the saber rattling and false flag episodes being created to hurt and confuse the masses. We know better.
However, it looks like now, because in those years of relative peace we have become a rather large cohesive presence in the mass subconscious of the world, we have become a target, because, WE HAVE BECOME TOO STRONG.
That point made, beware. Or, be AWARE. My prediction is that there is a lot more where that came from and in an effort to malign and make us look silly in the public eye because we ARE putting it all together and we DO have some mainstream science involved, we will be counted as fair game in the bait and switch false flag idiocy of the main stream world. (Hey, does that make us mainstream?)
Remember the evidence remains to be seen, until it is seen. Remember we KNOW what ad hominin and straw man is. Remember first person testimony is powerful enough to convict a person in a court of law, and it should be that strong for us too. Remember we are smarter than 'divide and conquer' and remember, "The They" that is keeping itself and all the information that it has to its self, has what it thinks is good reason cover up a whole lot (like an entire civilization) - and we know better. It will not give up and neither will we.
So decide what is worthy and how many fucks you are going to give, use them wisely and with a clear head.
Below for your snickering enjoyment and a bit of hidden wisdom is the Ted Talk.
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