Magic is to Religion as Technology is to Science.


Magic is to religion as technology is to science.

Radin, Dean. Real Magic: Ancient Wisdom, Modern Science, and a Guide to the Secret Power of the Universe (p. 35). Potter/Ten Speed/Harmony/Rodale. Kindle Edition.

What if we are going about the whole UFO/Phenomena question backwards? In a way religion and science are both constructs of how to think within a genre in a limited way - in a 'It is this and nothing else.' box. While, magic and technology are about engineering an idea to produce an effect.


Einstein's 1928 Special Relativity Paper: incorporation of the torsion tensor made the theory bench engineerable - whether the math eloquently 'finished' the theory or not, the equation made laboratory invention of devices to change the local energy of gravity (1)

The Kaluza -Klein Theory that unifies gravity and electromagnetism by the introduction of a new spatial dimension: time, thus uniting Einstein's theory of gravity with Maxwell's theory of light by introducing the fifth dimension; four dimensions of space and one dimension of time. Kaluza assumed that light is a disturbance caused by the rippling of this higher dimension.

Dr. Nikolai Kozyrev and zero point energy, dynamic torsion and its effects on the physical medium like time alteration/gravity. (1)

Gabriel Kron's tensor equations for electrical machines

E.T. Whittaker: electromagnetic vortices in the space/time medium

Tesla's idea that the fabric of space time acts like a fluid to solid bodies and a solid to light and heat (1)

Lt. Col. Tom Bearden: engineering the fabric of the space time continuum is the ability to suddenly put energy into a target area and the ability to suddenly extract energy from a target area (1)

Thomas Townsend Brown: research into odd electrical effects led him to believe he had discovered a connection between strong electric fields and gravity, a type of antigravity effect (1)


We separate nature and culture - which is a known highjack of the scientism paradigm, we are limiting our ability to see beyond that box into a larger truth about what is actually going on. Now a-days we call it programming. But really, it is just another division of our wholeness. In phenomenology we are looking for the miraculous (in some sense) - on the fringe of what is acceptable. It is interesting that the governors of the box have recently 'admitted' the UFO's are real and my first reaction is, ok, if they are admitting to that then what are they trying to hide?

When you begin to look at phenomenology as a part of the UFO definition, you are walking through a door into the world of real magic - or archetypal ideas that have a more numinous hold over the human psyche. Terrence McKenna says that the universe runs on story shapes, that story is the true shape of consciousness. The archetypes are self-aware story entities (like ETs, Eds) - clusters of those shapes make maps to embedded information shapes in the unconscious mind..

Story shape is a synonym for reality, so, when we tell stories, we shape reality. For instance, Genesis to Apocalypse is the story shape we are all living in and the story we need to rewrite. There was/is a hijack of our sovereign flow to stand outside that story (myth) and say, "Wait-a-minit! Ahem - NO!" We have forgotten how to reshape our reality.

Memory of that hijack in the Adam and Eve story line and the guilt we all were taught to feel from eating from the 'tree-of-knowledge' is real. We used to live differently before this myth structured the mass consciousness of all of us. We remember - a greater - deeper - more ancient way that things used to be and it is at the core of our awakening now. We do not realize the absolute potential of story to change reality - mold the prima Materia of living awareness.

In one way, this is the way to change the future by retelling the past and thusly creating a different now. Which brings me to my point: if UFO's and phenomenology are now ok, meaning you can talk about them without the label of insanity, then the next set of ideas that are being held back are now the new set of information that becomes the crack in the door of the mind cage that is keeping us all dreaming darkly from that box, so to speak...

(1) Farrell, Joseph P.:  Secrets of the Unified Field: the Philadelphia Experiment, the Nazi Bell, and the Discarded Theory

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