Paradigm: Open or Closed?


A paradigm is an intellectual box. A thought structure that says: Here are your boundaries: Do Not Proceed Outside of the Lines.

Mostly a paradigm helps to keep everybody on the same page on issues that need agreement to progress forward in the accomplishment of a mutual goal. But as usual, on this earth, the positive use of this concept for the advancement of society has been turned inside out and the concept of 'paradigm' has been used as a tool to cease development instead of enhance development.

PARADIGM: Intellectual perception or view, accepted by an individual or a society as a clear example, model, or pattern of how things work in the world. This term was used first by the US science theorist & historian Thomas Kuhn (1922-96) in his 1962 book 'The Structure Of Scientific Revolution' to refer to theoretical frameworks within which all scientific thinking and practices operate. See also paradigm shift.  From <>


We are taught to realize; This is NOT that, instead of: This is a part of that. Exclusivity vs. inclusivity. Which harkens back to Master and slave, we are better than: therefore we are entitled to and you are not, which is the backbone on which this world runs. Being excluded means we can hate you, fear you and gives us the right to protect ourselves from you because you threaten our survival. This is a closed loop system (never enough system). This is an exclusive system. This is a system built on fear of not surviving.

This is the one paradigm on this planet that needs to be broken and shown for what it is: a cage. A thought cage, a paradigm, a box… The purpose of which is to keep every human being on the planet in survival mode - a them vs. us paradigm. Fear used as a tool.

It is at the root of why there are still wars, killing, brutality, hate crimes. With the advent of the internet and the ability for us to learn about all the others on the planet and discover we are all basically the same and the loss of separativeness came the invention of a new box: the Great Distractions - entertainment, drugs, alcohol, the love of things over people and life. This also enabled the ability of the creation of false fears force fed to the masses, and a very convenient confusion. There has been quite the effort to build a system (paradigm/cage/box) of thought in everything that humans can think about that creates exclusivity. Exclusivity is used to determine in a closed loop system if there will be enough for me (to survive) if I let you in my circle. The one main thought tool used is Survival, well, that is, Fear Of Not Surviving.

It might have been in the early days a tool of the geneticists for keeping the different sub-species apart and not skewing the data, however that is no longer relevant in today's global world and should be consigned to the garbage heap.

It might have been a left over memory from the post deluvian world, and that might have been a civilization built upon the survival of refugees from another broken and shattered world that came here to survive. It seems that no matter how far you go back, the peoples of this world at this time have borne a legacy of intense struggle for the continuance of life.

Whatever the origin, we need to get over ourselves. We need to quit crying every time we think our toys are being stolen and instead begin to share with others.

We NEED to open the loop.

The fear and dominance game being played out on/in the world is solely for the those who are still afraid to share, who want all the toys whether they can use them or not, who covet anything they don't have and are terrified of becoming one with those they feel are far less than they are. Who are terrified to come home and have milk-n-cookies and a much needed nap. Who are so terrified of growing up and into something better that they would rather die and see to it that they take all the goodies with them. These people are criminally insane, criminal because they will do anything it takes to get their way. Insane because they have no ability to view their actions in a wider reality except that which feeds their obsessions. Their game gets bigger and more desperate as they realize it is no longer working.

All of the things that we crave - free energy, new healing technologies, good food for everybody, clean water, an unpolluted earth, all come out of an open loop system - require cross disciplinary thinking, inclusiveness. The quantum technology that could give us over unity drive is based on open loop system physics. The financial basis to allow for the abundance and development of that abundance to all on the planet needs to come from an open loop system of finance that creates more from the energies of the people who feed the system, instead of mortgaging a finite amount into nothingness. The healing technologies that can cure cancer and increase lifespans all depend on the 'new' physics, on resonance and the understanding that nothing is separate or could be separate…

We ARE awakening, and as we do each one of us will shatter the paradigm cage, as it is intrinsic to growing up. We can't help it. Once you see the bars of the cage you are already watching them dissolve.

We are so very close now.

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