Sunday, December 4, 2016
7:17 AM
All of the people, all over the world are watching and are helping, are praying and supporting those that are Standing for the earth and its peoples who care for the human race over profit. This ground swell of support, of millions of people on this planet for what is humanly right and supportive of life and love for this planet and the continuance of it in balance and who hold sacred this place, gives me great hope that we awaken: at the right time, for the right reasons and interconnect with our hearts and souls together to finally say, "Enough is enough!"
What could have turned into a civil war has evolved into a great ground swell of awareness and resolve. A sacred outcry is uniting people all over the world in a huge and beautiful numinous connectivity. We are finally, finally understanding that linking our hearts and souls, coming together as one mind, one unit has far greater power than anyone ever realized. We are creating a pathway through to the future by this, and just in the nick of time, too.
This is healing old wounds, it is teaching us, it is exposing the past polluting problems with this pipeline and all the other leaks, the unjust use of a land and resources that have so far destroyed every environment they have gone through and exposing the big corporate raping of a people and land for nothing more than profit in a game that could have/ should have been over a century ago. All for the love of money and power.
This awareness comes to us from the love for the land that the keepers of the land, the native American original people have always had and held sacred for hundreds of years. They now teach us because we have opened our eyes, finally enough to hear them. The corporate greed that has ruled this country while we played at democracy has been unveiled for what it really is, a voracious monster of greed.
I fear all we have done is to waken a sleeping giant and filled him with terrible resolve. -Isoroku Yamamoto
They say that the frequency on this planet is rising, that as it does we will awaken and change. Change for the better. This is a MAJOR indication that is exactly what is occurring. This time the whole world not only watches, it prays right along with all of the people in Standing Rock. Praying in utter peace, praying in an utterly nonviolent stance and yet firm in this rising up.
And because of this prayer, we, the world, finally realize that it is our hearts that connect, it is our love for us and the planet that has the power.
This is a boots on the ground demonstration of that principle that will unite a whole world in peace.
A statement of sacred peace that has a strength to out weight the idiotic and clueless controllers.
This will work, because it cannot fail.
This is the future.
This is our future, as we build it.
This is sacred, this is beautiful.
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