What is ‘really’ real: the frequency wars
I have talked about this before several times. https://alsionsbells.wordpress.com/2015/10/09/from-occult-to-technology-part-2/ https://alsionsbells.wordpress.com/2015/10/08/from-occult-to-technology-re-edit/ But it seems to need to be brought forward, yet again. The world was already really good at ‘mind control’ back in the 50′. It’s how they managed to get away with creating WWII and making it completely horrific. Since then science has lent its vast developing discovery base towards using this information to create absolute control of the human mind. As everybody who knows has pointed out, this has been a many pronged approach including all aspects of what we consider daily life: food, medicine, religion, schooling/education, government, spirituality, [-MORE-]