It was with no little relief that I heard last night that the colonists on Mars have begun a revolt against their ICC controllers. We hear from Corey Goode that the colonists in the manufacturing facilities there were told as a 'Social Experiment' that we on the planet earth had all died and that a nuclear winter was in process on the planet, so they had no place to go back to. He went into detail about how down trodden and controlled they seemed to him, how drab and depressing life was where they worked and lived and how every aspect of their lives was controlled. Ever since that came out early on in his testimony I have felt so sorry for these people. Sorry that we couldn't just march in there and save them, but that never works, does it?
Here is an excerpt from that interview. These are all available from the web site link at the bottom of the excerpt.
Cosmic Disclosure: Mars Colony Inspection
Season 1, Episode 7
And the way we entered in – there were quite a few of the colony’s security personnel that were accompanying us. And I had one of my security (people) on each side of me. And across from me were five of the colony’s security.
And as we were heading down very quickly – it was about 8km I think I heard them say, to the industrial complex – I was asked where I was from. And I made the mistake of saying “Texas”. (emphasis mine)
Well, I left out before, we were told that as we had landed, before we had entered into the checkpoint, the ICC representative told us “Listen, this particular base is a part of a social experiment that’s very important to humanity. Please don’t contaminate it! They were told that Earth was inhabitable..” from some sort of catastrophe of something, and that the only people, human beings, that survived were those on Mars and in the Space Program. So, I had pretty much messed up. (emphasis mine)
DW: Wow.
CG: Because I was recently sunburned and I had put on aloe and all kinds of stuff. I reeked of Earth, I was told.
DW: Do they all use similar hygiene products?
CG: Yes, they use all the exact same hygiene products. Gonzalez told me later on my deodorant, the lotions I used, the hair gel, everything – I totally smelled alien.
DW: So what happen on this guy’s face when you say “Texas”, and he thinks that the Earth has been destroyed?
CG: Well, the few in front of me immediately were like (glares)– you know, and they looked at each other. And they immediately started talking amongst themselves. And then my security guy, and the security guy next to him started talking. And the next thing I know, I see Gonzales’ poke out and his head crane over and look in my direction, and I didn’t even look at him. I just looked past the security guy and watched the blurry wall going by out the window until we stop. And then, we got out to begin the tour of the facility.
DW: What did Gonzales – when he looked at you, -- what was the...
CG: I didn’t look at him. But he approached me very quickly afterwards, and he said he was thinking how he could salvage the situation. He was going to try to think of Texas being a secret facility or a secret vessel or something like that to try to save the situation.
DW: Do you think they were shown some sort of fake Hollywood style movie?
CG: Who knows? But what I do know is..
DW: That they believed it absolutely
CG: Yes. What I do know is that many of these people, especially during the brain-drain era and a little after, were being brought in, coerced to join these Mars colonies being told that the Earth was about to go through a catastrophe; that they were the best of the best, they were “special”, and they were a part of a “continuity of preservation of the human species” program to basically colonize Mars and eventually terraform Mars and restart the human race.
From <http://spherebeingalliance.com/blog/transcript-cosmic-disclosure-mars-colony-inspection.html>
So when I heard this new bit of intel - what Randy Kramer called a rumor, I was very happy. Here are the time points from last night where you can hear Randy talk about it. It seems Corey Goode's 'gaff' that got them thrown into a Mars jail and almost murdered and then rescued (further on in the testimony at the above site - good reading) was the linch pin that needed to be pulled to begin the awakening and then the revolt against the slavery system they had all been caught in since the 1960's. I am quite joyful to hear this!
1:01:10 revolt amongst the colonists
1:02:04 we make good stuff - other species like it
1:03:06 natural disasters/industrial accidents caused by insurgents that had heard the 'rumor' that we
That rumor being started by Corey Goode while he and Gonzales were touring the manufacturing colony…"TEXAS!"
1:03:24 were NOT all dead on earth
1:04:19 we are told there is no life there, on Mars and they are told we are all dead here and earth is unlivable to DIVIDE AND CONQUER so that the controllers of each sphere have more control and we stay obedient.
1:16:35 Randy begins to explain the current uprising amongst the colonists/slaves/prisoners after they found out that the earth wasn't really ruined. Gov't fractionalized tending towards full on rebellion.
Listen here
I do expect that some time here in the next couple of months that we will begin our own rebellion, that when the elections collapse - which I fully expect them to, and the data dumps that are happening begin to be fully disseminated to the American public for exactly what they are telling us - what has really been going on, that we just might wake up enough to start our own rebellion against the power mongers on this planet. I am taking the Mars colonies as a model for how it will happen here. We cannot be helped until we help ourselves, and we cannot help ourselves until we want to, and we will not want to until we begin to see what has been going on here for the last 5,000 years (far beyond that but the last 5,000 years will do).
We really are at that tippy top point where we are teetering on the brink of a new direction. Let's hope we can do this and do it well, with the least amount of damage and the greatest amount of open heartedness and the most stable equilibrium we can muster.
But let's
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