It's called the 'Third Physics' because:
The first was Newtonian.
Then there was Einsteinian.
And then there appears to be a third way….
Which has been in front of our eyes for thousands of years - had we been able to get past the programming. (see Joseph Farrel and Paul LaViolette etc...)
So I was going to write a long article on it because it seems with the advent of things like orbs and consciousness becoming better known and the awareness of people picking up as to actually understand some of this, this information has become an imperative. However, this article was already written and written very well and I just found it this morning. If you are at all interested in the UFO consciousness intersect, it is a MUST.
Here is a small snippet from the end of the article:
The Aether, the Torus and the Wave Structure of Matter
For the first time in recorded human history we may have a unified theory of everything (T.O.E.) within reach that not only explains our physical universe but also connects it with consciousness, closing the gap between science and spirituality once and for all, 300 years after Descartes.
The empty space of the universe is not empty at all. It contains a spiritual energy that modern day science has rediscovered as the aether but this energy has been known for thousands of years in many ancient spiritual traditions by names such as the Chi, Ki, and Prana or Akashic energy of the universe.
This energy not only shapes the physical world moment by moment, it is also related to consciousness. Contemporary science is revealing that the firm belief in a distinction between the material and the spiritual world is false. There is no duality, the universe is constructed from one and one substance only and both the physical and mental world springs forth from this single substance called the aether. Amit Goswami, Daniel Winter and David Wilcock are a few of the scientists who have crossed the bridge between science and spirituality and who now believe that the primordial conscious energy of the universe is the first cause of creation.
The aether energy can arrange itself into basic geometrical wave patterns that were named after Plato, the Platonic solids to form matter. Almost 2,500 years ago, Plato wrote that the physical world was constructed from the Platonic solids. The Platonic solids arrange themselves in what chaos theory calls fractal patterns weaving a matrix in space interconnecting atoms with the stars. The scales of the Platonic solid shapes are different but the ratios between them are still the same (following the Hermetic principle as above so below).
The suggestion coming from quantum science that the probability waves are real waves is now believed to be true. This finally solves the enigma of the wave particle duality of quantum science. There are no particles in the universe, only waves. What we see as a particle is in fact the focal point of vibrations.
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