This idea comes directly from David Wilcock's Wisdom Teachings about how red shift is NOT velocity, but a quanta of energy. It is also about the evolving human - something I've got ideas on that are overflowing my round file.

We are electric. Our atoms are electric, our systems (organ systems like heart and lungs, tissues etc.) are electric and if seen as electric charge (frequency only) look like the chakra systems. We have a million small zero points in the atoms and molecules that make up our body plus larger ones that make up the organ systems. And one huge one in our heart which is a z-pinch (zero point) and another in our head - the pineal gland. The earth has one at its core and its own magnetic field that is created in response to the sun,( the same as our personal magnetic field created by our heart) that also has a z-pinch at its core that make up the measurable magnetic fields we can see today. Both of them respond to each other and the sun responds to a larger unit, on up to infinity - thus Laniakea.

This is mirrored in the structure of the solar system, the galaxy and the galactic neighborhood and the super clusters. What you are seeing in the illustrations of Laniakea are electrical circuits - not red shift velocity. You are seeing different levels of charge and dipole electric circuits. These are networks connected by CURRENT.
These current sheets extend in layers with different harmonic frequencies much like the energy field around protons, and our energetic bodies. The harmonies come from a solfeggio like octave set of vibrations. This set of harmonic frequencies create our dimensions.
What everybody is pointing to, if you look at the current and ancient information is that not so much that the area of space we are moving 'through' is changing, but that the electric pulses running through the network of currents connecting everything is receiving a wave of energy through it like a nerve pulse running through the nerves of our body. Electricity carries information, and we are like the television screens in our homes.
It seems we are more than exact mirrors of the micro-processes around and in us, we are also exact mirrors of the macro-processes that make up known existence. It is all more connected than we could possibly imagine.
So, hang on to your hats, new information is coming to your sector of the galaxy - don't miss next week's program! A teacher of mine said once speaking of intuition, that we are all so intuitive that we can't stand ourselves, that we could eat cat food and be intuitive it is a function of our intelligence our very makeup. Just as we are way more intuitive than any of us would like, we are also way more connected, not just to each other but the entire universe than we want to be. All of this hoop-te-do about high frequency this and high frequency that - be prepared, etc. is a diversion. This wave of electricity - frequency - sun burst, whatever you want to call it will happen, none of us can stop it any more than the sun can move out of its way. The very structure of our sun and earth and us are all connected by virtue of the electric energy pathways smaller than the atomic level within us. So, Live, Love and cherish, and after the new energy comes through IMO, we will only be better at it.
Swimming through a head full of ideas…
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