When we all wake up we will realize, all of us, that we are all the 'aliens' (that term is almost funny now) we have been waiting for, not just some of us, but the entire population of this planet both inside and out.
Every. Single. Last. One. Of. Us.
We HAVE passed the tipping point and we are beginning that roll down the other side with continuously increasing speed. One day, we will all just know. It will not be a OMG moment, or a 'holy shit!' moment… It will not be hidden, it will not get you in trouble or abducted or even laughed at. It will finally be normal.
One day we will know the real history of this planet and the events that took place, and not just from the victor's point of view. We will have the basis for a deep understanding of why we are and how we are, what we are. We will all realize that we are multidimensional beings with all the organic equipment in place to do whatever we wish to do, in whatever realm we wish to do it.
We have awakened from this trance many times and many times have fallen back to sleep. Some of us, even yet will decide to still sleep this time, for it is all free will. Most of us, though, all spurred on by the great dissent we feel, will choose to stay awake and go on.
For those that decide to sleep, their multidimensional beingness will slumber on - but still be there for we are all whole beings whether we choose to know it or not.
In this last awakening there are those who came so early that their only job was to be alive and resonate, helping Gaia and the planetary vibe. To these people, who had to hide, who had to say nothing, who knew that they were in danger if they did, to those who spent their entire lives battling with what they knew to be true and what society instead demanded they be, it is to you I send heartfelt sympathy. You couldn't have known what to do with yourselves. Every situation you got yourself into, relationships, careers, spiritual traditions and churches never fit. You had nowhere that felt like home, and no one that could really understand you. Even so, you pushed on. Sometimes in a world of hurt, sometimes numb from the pain. But you kept on. It is because of you that the world can now begin to heal, that the conspiracies to fool us all are becoming known and that people are beginning to awaken to the beauty of who they really are. It was you who held on through all the confusion and darkness that has made this shift possible.
A great influx of advanced souls were being born on this planet back in the 1800's in preparation for today. I come from a long linage of them. It has not been an easy journey for these forerunners, especially those who were born after WWI when the extreme prejudice and crackdown on anything that even looked like it could help the planet began. What happened after that into modern day looked like the witch hunts of the 1600's. The fact that these early fore runners of consciousness to whatever degree they were awake, managed to stay sane, were able to survive in a profoundly sick society, is an utterly amazing and a herculean task. I have seen it go both ways. I have seen incredibly beautiful souls get utterly crushed and I have seen others endure when over and over life has shown them nothing but pain. Soon this will be different. Those who were born in the fifties and before have had an entirely different journey than those born after. In today's world we have children who are readily accepted and supported for they gifts they bring.
To some extent, we are all slightly mad - like the mad hatter. We have all been poisoned, indoctrinated and thoroughly chastised for being ourselves in myriads of ways. That we survived all of that only slightly deranged is the miracle of the century. That we are recovering, getting stronger, deciding to be better people is an ever greater miracle. We have passed the tipping point - that place at the top of the roller coaster where you can either fall back or speed on down the hill, and we have gone down the other side. We made it. That feeling we all feel of expectancy is free fall. And we can partially thank all those souls who came and just resonated love and gratitude on the planet in the middle of the darkness and mess to make it possible for the rest of us to awaken from the trance.
Blessed be every last one of you.
So rejoice, because very soon, this earth will finally be a place where you too can take a deep breath and relax.
Nancy; Thanks for sharing this. It is very important and insightful. Full of love and compassion. It is a joy to know and watch you as you learn to help others.