Wisdom needs weight
If it is possible, that we are timeline creating and jumping, let us not forget that the wisdom we need to create an optimal timeline, one where we are the compassionate beings we are meant to be, requires memory of where we have been because it is the sum of our learning that is the wisdom that is the key linchpin of who we choose to become in every moment. Wisdom is the knowing WHY we are choosing differently, wisdom is the ability to discern the choice.
Yes, our history can be so very heavy - the weight of previous choices is like a rock - it can weigh us down, however, without the memory and the wisdom it brings, we will never be able to know the best actions moving forward. We cannot dump all the bad our of our past, jumping to places where events had never happened and expect to arrive at a beautiful future with the ability to pass it onto others. And that is the point? Isn't it? Otherwise we would be like idiot savants, never knowing how we do what we do, but just doing it. As in the Chinese term 'happy mistake' This would leave us open for ever, to take overs and manipulations - just like it did in the very beginning. Loss of memory is loss of wisdom.
The problem occurs when walking forward with the weight of the past upon your soul and maintaining the vivacity and joy of our creative selves - unless we get this forgiveness thing under our belts and realize that this process is the only thing that allows the release of the weight (sorrow) and the keeping of the wisdom. This transformational process is akin to the greatest alchemy there is - but you can only forgive if you have taken full responsibility for the actions/thoughts/deeds that created that need to forgive. Forgiveness is the full recognition in empathy for all of an action/reactions effects upon yourself and others. Forgiveness creates utter understanding and total compassion for yourself and others and a true learning, which in turn becomes the wisdom that is the basis for further development of yourself and others.
If we jump to timelines where things like 911 or earth shattering changes killed many due to our own lack of compassion, never happened, we will end up repeating the things we need to learn in a different way until we learn those things. We will recreate the mess until we perceive the wisdom of NOT doing it that way. There are NO easy outs. Just learning and the product of that learning, Wisdom. Forgiveness is the way to carry that learning forward and it is the way to make the rock of our past learning experiences easier to carry. It is also the way we develop the intrinsic, necessary beauty of compassion that allows us to evolve into who we are meant to become. Without the wisdom, the weight, and the forgiveness, we are deaf, dumb and blind.
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