the Awakening

March 28, 2016 Alison Bell 0

Just a quick little thought experiment: What if it all did happen 2012? We ascended, the earth changed, and all the attending things took place: but we FAILED to notice? And the reason we still have the bad guys and all the falderal going on is because we are simply creating it in our minds – because we didn’t notice??? That would mean that when we do wake up, when we do realize the fact that we are master creators, this world will change in a flash. (maybe of light?) Meaning the ONLY reason it appears as it does is [-MORE-]

Gaia’s Song Of Love

March 24, 2016 Alison Bell 0

We practically know the whole story – at least the high points that make sense to the craziness on this planet. I’m not going to enumerate them either, just to say we know who the bullies are. And what do you do with bullies? You turn around, walk away and ignore them – why? Because they need your attention to succeed in their bullying. Yes, what they are doing is not right, and they will reap what their actions have sown. But I am not going to be the one who delivers that justice, Karma will. Rather, I am still [-MORE-]


January 18, 2016 Alison Bell 0

For quite some time now, I have felt things grinding to a halt, while others are saying time is speeding up – I have felt like my insides, my spirit, my mind, my cells have begun to get slower and slower, the moment in between heart beats getting longer and longer, the time between indrawn breath and exhale becoming limitless.   Like the breath you take just before you jump in the pool, or rip a band aide off, but it’s not happening yet. As the time grows in between the moments, I keep waiting. Suspended. In the moment, only [-MORE-]