More Cosmic War ruminations after watching:
Cosmic War Pt.1 | Joseph P Farrell
Presentation 1 Synopsis I. A Look Back: San Mateo 2014: The Post-War Mega-Manhattan Project on Steroids II. The Historical Context (where we talk about lots of artillery). III. The Mythological Context (where we talk about lots of psychopathy) IV. Implications for the National Security-Breakaway Civilization/Secret Space Program complex (where we talk about lots of paranoia). From <https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Se7i0gWDLp0&t=162s>
- Family Feud was over for the moment
- Reparations: Tribute and sacrifice
- To whit so unfair on Germany as to contribute to an uprising and the "Hitler Moment"
- Inventory and Disarmament: the forbidding of certain types of weapons
- Monitoring: NSA -> Watchers
- Quarantine to ensure the survival of BOTH parties.
- Source from the above video
Epic of Ninerta = the Treaty of Versailles: Joseph likes to mirror in the hermetic tradition of 'As Above, So Below' the possible happenings of the cosmic war with our wars, which makes great sense in a lot of ways, IMO especially to the hash of UFO/ET mishmash we are currently trying to wade through.
If the analogy holds true, we would have spies here - the watchers, and we would have a great big giant NSA in the sky (! Ha ha!) and we would have an intermediary breakaway civilization (whether they knew it or not) acting as an go between. The breakaways would be a 'scientific elite' and have a tie to the people still in the 5th and 2nd heavens but still be able to live part of their lives on the planet and the watchers would be more or less clueless but none the less used here on the earth and would constitute a 'political elite' and part of a social engineering control mechanism on the planet. As always, we peons become the batteries for all of these machinations to take place.
Are we being monitored? Could the fallen 'Angels" be those survivors of the cosmic war that exist off the planet that were confined to the solar system in the 5th heaven, the second heaven and under the earth ( more like on the earth) this coming from a book cited in the above video called "The Book of the Secrets of Enoch" translated by W. R. Morfill, MA Oxford Press, 1896
- Satanii and the rebels were confined to the 5th level of heaven: from Saturn inward
- His subordinate followers were confined the 2nd level of heaven: the moon Mars Earth orbit
- And the watchers that combined with earth women were confined to the earth
One such description of one part of the Cosmic War that got us sanctioned is in the Vedas:
The Kurukshetra War, also called the Mahabharata War, is a war described in the Indian epic Mahabharata. The conflict arose from a dynastic succession struggle between two groups of cousins, the Kauravas and Pandavas, for the throne of Hastinapura in an Indian kingdom called Kuru. It involved a number of ancient kingdoms participating as allies of the rival groups.
The location of the battle is described as having occurred in Kurukshetra in the modern state of Haryana. Despite only referring to these eighteen days, the war narrative forms more than a quarter of the book, suggesting its relative importance within the epic, which overall spans decades of the warring families. The narrative describes individual battles and deaths of various heroes of both sides, military formations, war diplomacy, meetings and discussions among the characters, and the weapons used. The chapters (parvas) dealing with the war (from chapter six to ten) are considered amongst the oldest in the entire Mahabharata.
The historicity of the war remains subject to scholarly discussions.[1] Attempts have been made to assign a historical date to the Kurukshetra War. Popular tradition holds that the war marks the transition to Kaliyuga and thus dates it to 3102 BCE From <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kurukshetra_War>
Or, gods forbid was yet another planet busting war and not the one described in the Sumerian 'Epic of Ninerta'. We certainly have a talent for war and were I an outside policing agency I can see the need for surveillance and control of the technology being adapted for war.
Are we under a sort of solar system Treaty of Versailles? (per Joseph P Farrell) to save our collective butts, both the victors and the losers? Because if we were, as a condition of the treaty, it would mean that going out beyond Saturn:
- if we did indeed have the infrastructure to do so ( I'm pretty sure we do )
- because if we have a breakaway civilization that has contacted the people stuck in the 5th heaven, then they would share their tech.
- we would share our manufacturing ability and man power and resources for that tech.
it would mean AN ACT OF WAR! towards the people who originally quarantined our butts in the corner in the first place and we are not even sure if they are still there - but they might be (the Confederation - or any other of the groups that have been recently bandied about by everybody down here)
As to ancient dismantled weapons:
When you capture an enemy and make sure they cannot cause a disaster again,
- you take away their weapons and keep what you want
- destroy what you cannot take
- hide what cannot destroy.
The same goes for technology.
If you look at the great pyramid of Giza as a weapon - dismantled (per the treaty of Versailles-esque manner) you can see:
- the cap stone is missing
- the sarcophagus in the kings room is damaged so that it cannot resonate anymore
- Where the zero point device we call the Ark of the Covenant sat
- all the resonators of the grand gallery - whether they be:
- the crystal tablets of destiny which could have been
- diffraction addresses or
- A sort of programming circuitry or both
- Or Helmholtz resonator devices are also missing.
- the crystal tablets of destiny which could have been
- The outer stone work is gone
- The structure has been modified, the net effect of which is that it no longer operates as a weapon
However there are also missing components of the pyramid weapon that might have been a focusing apparatus that are written about that no longer exist, such as a second moon that was a space station about 5 miles in diameter and was known as the crystal moon, that allowed the weapon to target. Because as it is now, the only way it can be used is to wait 'the cycle of time' for the position of the pyramid beam to be directed to any given celestial object. Which implies why the alignment with certain astronomical constellations is important enough to be recorded in the architecture of the place.
So here we are again, on the verge of going back out into space. Yes, again. The question remains, are we going to make it? Can we, or have we already, made it past the quarantine zones of the planet, the earth-moon-mars sphere and the Saturn boundary and have we achieved some sort of parity at least with the survivors who have been knocking around out in the 5th heaven for the last several thousand years, who by the way I agree with Joseph Farrell here too, are our genetic cousins, IE: the very first breakaway civilization that we know of to leave the earth? This would make the current combination with these people from the 2nd and 5th heaven - the whole entire ball of wax: the MICC, The Secret Space Program, the Navy, the Air Force, the Nazis; the whole kit and caboodle out there, everybody, our genetic family.
I am beginning to apply a different definition to the term: ET. It's beginning to mean instead of 'off planet', rather, extra solar - meaning not from this local system, because I'm beginning to see that all these people in this system are actually truly our cousins and we really are all one great big bickering family.
As to getting the snot knocked out of us one more time in yet another 'Tower of Babel Moment', I am beginning to wonder if the "EVENT" and or solar flash, and how it is remembered might not just be part of the cosmic war - and how that all ties into the cosmic horoscope and the Yugas - or the (here it is again) 'cycle of time' per the Vedas…
The Viṣṇu Purāṇa Time measurement section of the Viṣṇu Purāṇa Book I Chapter III adds:
2 Ayanas (6-month periods, see above) = 1 human year or 1 day of the devas.
12,000 divine years = 4 Yugas (= 4,320,000 human years) = 1 Mahā-Yuga (also is equal to 12,000 Daiva (divine) Yuga).
2*12,000 = 24,000 divine year = 12000 revolutions of sun around its dual.
(you do the math - 1st war 65myo - and maybe the crash of that crystal moon into the earth, 2nd war 3.2myo)
While the long yuga count is the most popular, it does not correlate to any known celestial motion found in the Astronomical Almanac. The value of 24,000 years fits relatively close with the modern astronomical calculation of one full precession of the equinox, which takes 25,772 years.[note 1] Thus the yuga cycle may have some basis in known terrestrial cycles. Srimad Bhagavatam 3.11.19 describes the timespans of the demigods, in which a year of a yuga is a year of the demigods. It is this second sloka which appears to have been modified over the years. From <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yuga>
I highly recommend the above video now, because back in 2015 there was not enough information in the public sector for it to make sense to anyone except deep researchers. Now, today, for the normal idiot like me it becomes a V8 moment…
And the question is - could this get any messier?
And I'm afraid the answer is a Big Fat YES.
(-just PLEASE don't get us sent back to the corner again!!!!)
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