IMO: Is the disclosure we want, the disclosure we are going to get? If we ever thought just once that the ruling factions of our gov't would ever tell us straight out about UFO's and non-indigenous life, we are sadly mistaken. They are hoping that we, the people will do exactly what we are doing now, simply because then they can be seen as unwilling participants in a scenario they had no control over. Pawns just like us; because then they do not have to reveal that they have been in the thick of it manipulating events for the last 70 years, and they do not have to tell us that they have been keeping anything, including technologies that could help us, from us. Nor do they have to reveal that they have been engineering bio-weapons against us and conducting all sorts of social-bio-experiments on us.
It is up to us to continue to dig in deep and find out what is out there and spread the word. The planet needs to grow up and realize that not everything that is different or foreign is dangerous and mean, and to change its mind set from 'kill it!' to 'talk to it'. One of the major tools of their secrecy has been to make it all very scary, to create fear around anything different so we don't look, don't find out and don't open our minds. (I realize I'm preaching to the choir here…) However, When we are afraid of a few immigrants from across the globe, what does that say about our capacity to even consider visitors from off the globe???
Most of us in the truther, conspiracy, paranormal camp are more than ready. But consider your neighbor. What a downer, right? So it falls in our laps to talk, educate, and simply by being open (vibratory-field-of-your-being wise) change the world one concept at a time. We can listen, research, study and inform ourselves till we are blue in the face, but if we keep that to ourselves very little change is going to occur. Meetings with the paranormal - (anything outside of the everyday drudge) have always been portrayed as a lonely singular event, meant to be kept under wraps and hidden because of that wonderful paradigm we have been so duly taught (that if you do that sort of thing you are crazy), that we must fight to get out of that box and we must begin one person at a time to transform that idea set within our small circles of friends and neighboors.
We have the big guns out there doing the huge reveal stuff. We listen to them and read them on a daily basis. They are beginning to reach a larger and larger 'market' out there and the UFO paranormal side of things has reached a place where money can be made from it - or Fox would not be airing things like X-Files. Not in a million years. Chris Carter wouldn't have been able to produce a TV show or a movie to reach the mass consciousness like this, ever. As a matter of fact, nobody would have ever heard of him if it weren't worth some money, ego and fame to the powers that be.
As I have said before, however, if there was really any relevant information in what was being broadcast, it would not be on the air. As much as we like to see everything we have been saying for 50 years out there, as a sort of vindication outed to the sheeple, realize that it would not have made it out there if it had ANY real bearing on anything going on now, at this moment.
So, yes, all in all, we know our history. All of us in this field have had our own high strangeness to deal with or we wouldn't be doing this. Now we need to stop boring down into the rabbit hole and reproving history and begin to find out what the current on-dit is. Trust me, this is very important. Something new is taking place and they have made sure that all of us have our heads conveniently buried in the rabbit hole not paying attention! Once again, any paradigm that we can not see beyond becomes a quantum box, and we do so love our boxes....
So my question is, what is it???
Does anybody have any ideas??
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