"Nights In White Satin"
Nights in white satin,
Never reaching the end,
Letters I've written,
Never meaning to send.
Beauty I'd always missed
With these eyes before,
Just what the truth is
I can't say anymore.
'Cause I love you,
Yes, I love you,
Oh, how, I love you.
Gazing at people,
Some hand in hand,
Just what I'm going thru
They can understand.
Some try to tell me
Thoughts they cannot defend,
Just what you want to be
You will be in the end,
And I love you,
Yes, I love you,
Oh, how, I love you.
Oh, how, I love you.
Nights in white satin,
Never reaching the end,
Letters I've written,
Never meaning to send.
Beauty I'd always missed
With these eyes before,
Just what the truth is
I can't say anymore.
Cause I love you,
Yes, I love you,
Oh, how, I love you.
Oh, how, I love you.
Cause I love you,
Yes, I love you,
Oh, how, I love you.
Oh, how, I love you.
From <http://www.azlyrics.com/lyrics/moodyblues/thenightnightsinwhitesatin.html>
He who binds to himself a joy
Does the winged life destroy;
But he who kisses the joy as it flies
Lives in eternity's sun rise.
Imagine that this skin we walk around in is really no more than an energetic containment field, a focus point. This field exists only in a very, very tiny bit of the electromagnetic spectrum. It is so definitive that while you are focused on it you forget that you are a lot more than just that one point, kind of like reading a very good book, or watching a movie that really grabs you - for a moment you are there, and the outside world ceases to exist.
Once you get here and focus yourself into this lovely point of the vibratory spectrum, it's this whole world of richness, of sights and smells and a total immersion, and you forget the rest of your being that exists outside of this frame work. Totally acceptable! The 'game' is so rich and lovely on so many levels. It is NOT timeless and still, static in its experience. It presents challenges and decisions and learning and emotion! It is fraught with drama and dangers and excitement. One day, you just sort of forget that you are anything more than this place, this tiny focus of expression you have created for yourself to play in, just one very tiny part of the universe.
Somehow though, the larger you remembers, and when you turn off the intense focus you have in the world, when you dream, meditate, or release this focus, you pop through to a larger picture, into your bigger, multidimensional self.
Just slightly out of phase with this focus you have when you are awake, is an entirely different world. In one degree out of phase you enter the high strangeness of 'Whoops, what was that?' This place is just as real as your daily life place. It's what has been called the astral realm for as long as we have tried to define it. It is layered within/without us and exists in that same physical space, simply out of phase with the frequency band we inhabit in our waking state. IMO I indeed think we are changing our frequency, because many people I know are beginning to see the overlay of another world intruding on their own time/space lock point. If we are changing our frequency, it would make sense that we are beginning to perceive beyond our normal, natural band width.
There are real, live people living there too, that some of us are able to see and communicate with, if we can learn to alter - just slightly- in the waking state the frequency we have chosen to focus ourselves at. This is called an altered state of awareness. We have been doing it since time began. Our shamans, our channelers, our psychics, our children, are all pretty good at it. Children because they are learning to focus themselves here, and all the others because they have learned how to de-tune, un-focus just a bit. The lore, the writing on this is extensive and everybody has their own sort of vocabulary to go with it, and as we are so fond of doing in this space, we have tried to identify and name all that we have met on our various sojourns out of this frequency range.
Just as we have our basic archetypes in this world, like mothers, fathers, children, good guys, bad guys, etc.., so we recognize the same patterns in other frequencies when we visit. Being who we are, we give them designations like demons and angels and gods and the like… We create their images in our understandings of what we know as good and bad, high and low, and therefore you have your divisions of the astral realm. Accordingly the denizens of those realms act and look like what our archetypal patterns say they should. But really, we are the persons who create those images according to ourselves.
Have you ever wondered what you look like in the energy state? Have you ever asked your imagination? (p.s. your imagination IS your higher self…) I can hear you all thinking, "But how do I know if I am right?" and I will just say this: it is IMPOSSIBLE FOR YOU TO BE WRONG!
Glinda-the-good-witch is my alter ego because energetically I immediately wanted that the first time I saw her at five years old, watching The Wizard Of Oz. It took me 20 years to accept that Her Sister, Theodora,
was also part of me, chasing me through my dreams till one day I turned around and said "WHAT!?!?! WHAT DO YOU WANT!?" She expressed to me that she wanted me to pour spring water on her, baptize her and accept her joyfully for she was the strength I needed in my life. It is only when we ignore our whole selves that they come knocking at our door.
Now as to other beings we may or may not meet on our sojourns into other frequencies; we look the way we do, because of the complexity of the frequency we inhabit, but other entities, who may be reaching into this one to have contact, may not come from a place where physical appearance matters that much, and I would just point out that, the frequency you come from may indeed have some measure of say so as to how we appear to each other, as well as what you think you are…just a theory. And as we well know, appearance and character can be linked, but not always.
Anyway, I suppose the purpose in this ramble is that, should we choose, we can see into, be into limitless other places - frequencies, interact and look around and go expeditioning… This is NOT the only reality, it's just our dominant one. This skin we inhabit is not the only reality, it is just our focus point.
That is all…..
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