Disclosure: it's not so much about who did what to whom, who's here and who's not, who broke away and who didn't. It's about Awareness. Once you get past the old nuts and bolts type of discovery, and into actual communication with beings from off planet, you realize one thing. Everybody else in the universe is telepathic. Everybody else uses their minds. Everybody else doesn't think that the only thing that is real is the body or 3D.
The one connecting thread through all the stuff that we fringe are interested in, the 'paranormal'
Para: (outside of normal parameters)
beside; adjacent to. "parameter"
Medicine; denoting a disordered function or faculty. "paresthesia"
(distinct from, but analogous to. "paramilitary")
beyond; "paradox"
subsidiary; assisting. "paramedic"
Origin: from Greek para ‘beside’; in combinations often meaning ‘amiss, irregular’ and denoting alteration or modification.
para-2: combining form: prefix: para- denoting something that protects or wards off.
is that everything above, below and beside the 'normal', is in the mind. Once you begin to really look, you realize that the biggest difference between people who grew up here and people who didn't is the ability to know, or be aware that we really don't stop at our skin, nor are we really contained by it, and that this point of reference we have in the 3D is only that: One . Tiny. Point. of reference in a vast, vast, existence.
I know this makes the whole world and the rest of cosmology very confusing, and it is supposed to. This confusion, this distraction is what is actually keeping us contained here. The confusion is actually the quantum box, the frequency cage - a faraday devise for our minds consisting only of limiting ideas and training. And get this: it is so incredibly flimsy, that a simple decision will dissolve the whole thing. Neo in the matrix had the idea right, but it's not that complicated to get out of the matrix, it's how to make sense of the rest of the universe once you do.
We are gonna feel like those cows in a pasture that haven't felt grass for years, or all the dogs from a puppy mill being set free… Only we have to rescue ourselves by realizing that the only thing holding us here is this mess and our belief in it.
We are sitting ducks, so to speak, easy prey for any hunter that happens along to this planet. We are like a deer in the woods where anybody with a loving soul would simply look at the deer and think, "My how pretty.", but the hunters would dispatch in a second. And the only reason why we are sitting ducks is our conditioning.
There are so many ways to go about explaining this, and if you look at the over two hundred posts just in this mini blog alone, every one of them attempts to nick your awareness, fracture that glass ceiling that keeps the quantum box in place. The problem is, once that glass shatters, NOBODY knows what to do with the realness. We have not been trained, no school of thought on the planet has ever been about how to be a quantum mind - a multidimensional being. Like, what do you do once you get there, which direction is up? What is a dimension versus a paralleled reality, and just what the 'heck' are timelines and are they really real… Then there is the whole Sovereign thing.
Sovereign means that UNLESS YOU AGREE (or are stupid enough to be tricked) NO ONE can mess with you unless you let them. It's called free will, and there are very few people on the planet that really get what that means, to really, truly, grasp how the second derivation of the logos effects everything from the smallest conceivable division of the whole all the way up to the whole, (who decided to do this division of its self from one into endless multiplicity in the first place…)
So how does anybody get away with tricking us like this - like a bad practical joke gone rogue? Well, we have agreed with our free will to be taught about ... free will… All this shi** going on is called catalyst, whose sole/soul purpose is to wake us up enough to realize exactly what it is. And we, it seems, are like children who don't want to get up in the morning for school….
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