The divine right of kings, divine right, or God's mandate is a political and religious doctrine of royal and political legitimacy. It asserts that a monarch is subject to no earthly authority, deriving the right to rule directly from the will of God.
Divine right of kings - Wikipedia
By whose right? By God's right? Who is god, and how does this personage dole out divine right? So prove god. Prove god exists.
Otherwise the source within, the spark of divinity within, the human part that says 'I am', makes us all divinely 'righted' to rule: ourselves. Sovereignty.
And to rule over none. Because to say I have divine right to kill you, use you and call you less because I have been appointed/anointed - is NOT divine. It is a form of mental/emotional sickness and an excuse for very bad behavior. Divinity recognizes it's self in all of us and all of creation down to the last molecule - tiniest particle. It calls none of us over, above, better or under, less than the others of us. So even if you had a god come and stand before me to tell me that someone was better, more worthy or whatever distinction you wanted to use, to inform me as to why, someone had the right to rule, kill, or use me because I was less than they were…you wouldn't have a foot to stand on. Similarly, because the divine presence is in everything, everyone, everywhere, we are all gifted with our OWN awareness of what is what and what is divine. We can't escape it - because it is part and parcel of the living animating force that is us. It is also the glue that holds 'things' in the 3D world together - like basic units of matter. I would call it the underlying field of energy of the whole of manifestation.
But somehow, since way before Rome, this idea of
has been thrust upon the world and from it evolved the concept of: therefore, I can use you, think nothing of you and throw you away according to my whims because god told me I could.
Understand this: the infinite intelligence that is the life force is everywhere. Even in things that our little limited apprehension doesn't see as animated or alive. Therefore there are none better or worse than anything/anyone else in all of creation and there is absolutely no excuse for the use of or harm to anything/one.
There is no such thing as 'better-than' that can give you, or anybody else the license to use you with wholesale disregard for your livingness and your right to that livingness and it's expression.
Last night we were skirting around this idea with the term the "illuminati" and it's philosophy that because 'they' have more information about 'stuff' that 'they' are better-than people who don't and therefore, 'they' have a license to use and murder the souls and bodies of others in any way they see fit.
This is insane.
The definition of insanity is the inability to perceive. (Even if you think you are perceiving and you can treat the other poorly - you are not really perceiving, not really knowing, not really living in the skin of the other - therefore you are handicapped, really…IMO)
Since remembered time, remembered history has recorded in some very old writings the story of how we have always been told that we are NOT god - that somebody else is, and that because of that we have no rights and must allow, by divine right, those in power to do anything they wish to us.
This was the beginning of the oldest, most heinous game ever perpetrated on this planet to keep one type of people in power while allowing no others the right to even exist except by their "gracious" will.
The others that come from off planet with bigger, shinier toys and ideas - the ones that would come here to lord it over us, are no better than the so called idiot rulers that have lorded it over the planet in the past. The ones that would choose to never interfere are the ones that know the divinity within themselves and therefore recognize it in all others.
This is what we are contending with right now, on this world, opening our eyes enough to see that divinity/recognition/response-ability within each of ourselves enough, so that we are empowered to oust the ones who still want to be cavemen in their hearts and use and abuse us and the planet to their own ends.
Haven't you had enough already?
"Divine right of kings." "Illuminati - cabal - PTB…
In who's book and by who's definition???
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