To Remember the Future…

March 22, 2017 Alison Bell 0

If you have listened…. Monday and Tuesday night Jimmy Church on Fade to Black has been asking some very pertinent questions about Dwave computing that involves ultradimensional computing in qbits (quantum bits) and frequency and HAARP and DARPA and our overall sense of wellness which is generated by our unconscious-subconscious minds. I have written a ton on the fact that mindscaping (talking to our subconscious – below the conscious awareness of our selves) is possible and is being used. I even included the patents for this in one article. Vault 7 is out and we know there isn’t one aspect [-MORE-]

Too much??

March 20, 2017 Alison Bell 0

There is a prime lot of Psy-op, Data Inundation, and lets screw with their heads going on out there right now. I feel we are at a point where everything will very soon become apparent. But my question is, why are they trying so hard to distract us? My attention was drawn to an FB posting on a trailer for a non-existent movie, that had information on the pre-adamites we are supposedly finding in Arc’lantis and Nibiru and the whole ball of wax right now. As to why this movie has gained mythical status by vanishing, is also an interesting [-MORE-]

What if, only those who can understand will survive and thrive?

March 14, 2017 Alison Bell 1

What if, only those who can understand will survive and thrive? I would hate for that to be the truth, but in reality, everybody has a choice in this. The hardest thing to accept for some people is that they must choose and there is no mommy/daddy/god out there deciding for them. There has been a two pronged (probably more but these two are the most obvious) plan in effect that was built to keep those of intellectual inability from assessing and putting together the pieces and those who were spiritually behind from understanding the game, to ferret out those [-MORE-]

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An invitation to my beloved ‘normal’ friends

March 13, 2017 Alison Bell 0

This is a re-post from face book with permission of a beautiful statement from a beautiful soul that I wanted everybody to read. So I am trying to give it a wider audience here and on Fade to Blog. – Alison An invitation to my beloved ‘normal’ friends by Lisa Frith This weekend has been a heck of a wild ride. I just peered down the proverbial rabbit hole and I’m starting to believe it’s much deeper than I thought. Living in LA, it’s nice to be able to attend workshops and conferences on my favorite subjects… UFOs and Conspiracies. [-MORE-]

The threads pulled.

March 10, 2017 Alison Bell 0

I’m not sure whether it’s just me and the algorithms that have my research stamp all over them, but I have noticed that in the last week, it seems the new thread popping up everywhere is that of ancient archeology, the footprints of the annunaki on the planet and what happened to Atlantis and Antarctica and the Deep State. I’ve seen it in all the of fringy articles out there in the threads that that are being connected from all of the above topics. In just you tube alone (member of google) the number of conspiracy videos on say chemtrail [-MORE-]

Orthodox vs. forbidden knowledge (and the ‘happy dance’)

March 7, 2017 Alison Bell 0

Orthodoxy (from Greek ὀρθοδοξία, orthodoxia – “right opinion”)[1] is adherence to correct or accepted creeds, especially in religion.[2] In the Christian sense the term means “conforming to the Christian faith as represented in the creeds of the early Church”.[3] The first seven Ecumenical Councils were held between the years of 325 and 787 with the aim of formalizing accepted doctrines. In some English speaking countries, Jews who adhere to all the traditions and commandments of the Torah are often called Orthodox Jews, though the term “orthodox” historically first described Christian beliefs. From <> Forbidden knowledge, which is different from secret [-MORE-]

“This means That.”

March 6, 2017 Alison Bell 0

Traditional logical fallacies: ad hominem attack, Ad hominem (Latin for “to the man” or “to the person”[1]), short for argumentum ad hominem, is a logical fallacy in which an argument is rebutted by attacking the character, motive, or other attribute of the person making the argument, or persons associated with the argument, rather than attacking the substance of the argument itself.[2] straw man, A straw man is a common form of argument and is an informal fallacy based on giving the impression of refuting an opponent’s argument, while refuting an argument that was not advanced by that opponent. One who [-MORE-]

“Come, Watson, come!’ he cried. ‘The game is afoot!”

March 3, 2017 Alison Bell 0

“Come, Watson, come!’ he cried. ‘The game is afoot!” Once upon a time three blind men sat by the side of the road. They were good friends and they helped each other out a lot because they were all blind. A Jain version of the story says that six blind men were asked to determine what an elephant looked like by feeling different parts of the elephant’s body. The blind man who feels a leg says the elephant is like a pillar; the one who feels the tail says the elephant is like a rope; the one who feels the [-MORE-]

Last night on F2B: Joy

February 28, 2017 Alison Bell 0

Last night on the Jimmy Church Radio show, F2B (Fade to Back) we had guest James Gilliland. It struck me what a happy person he is. Not silly happy, but down deep happy, and therefore everything that he said, all his words, even if he was talking about difficult things, felt good. So many times I will listen to people reporting the difficult side of life – the pizza gates, the reptilians, the abductions, the satanic cults… and the tone of their voice, the vibe of their intelligence which rides their voice and words like a carrier wave is enormously [-MORE-]

What is ‘really’ real: the frequency wars

February 27, 2017 Alison Bell 0

I have talked about this before several times. But it seems to need to be brought forward, yet again. The world was already really good at ‘mind control’ back in the 50′. It’s how they managed to get away with creating WWII and making it completely horrific. Since then science has lent its vast developing discovery base towards using this information to create absolute control of the human mind. As everybody who knows has pointed out, this has been a many pronged approach including all aspects of what we consider daily life: food, medicine, religion, schooling/education, government, spirituality, [-MORE-]