We are pieces of the hologram called Intelligent Infinity, pieces of the FRACTIAL that make up the 3D world.
Any piece of a hologram can reproduce the whole; therefore we are all one being before the first distortion of unity. That first distortion was FREE WILL. So, really, there is no separation because we are all reflections of this unity, reflections of the one, FRACTALIZED. http://www.lawofone.info/results.php?q=intelligent+infinity
LO1 : ( http://www.lawofone.info/ ) States that
First there was the unlimited, undifferentiated Oneness (Intelligent Infinity)
The first distortion (division from the unity) of this was
(note the word dis-torsion - take it out of spin)
FREEWILL (the idea of multiplicity)
The second distortion was
The Law of Love
Love attracts in (gravity)
The Third distortion was
The Law of Light
Light explodes out (photons: intelligent energy /matter)
Upon which the fractalization of the manifested universe comes into being.
Gravity like in a black hole attracts photons so tightly that they explode out in a burst of light or in EU theory in 'GLOW' mode.
Light (photons) emanate from an area of compressed space/time (fluid) they 'portal' in, like sonoluminescence.
noun: sonoluminescence
1.luminescence excited in a substance by the passage of sound waves through it.
From <https://www.google.com/?gws_rd=ssl>
Gravity (attraction/love) versus Light (explosion/matter)
Opposite pressures across a medium create flow. This flow is current.
Gravity is also a force related to the aether. As electric charge, E, is a gradient in aether, the gravitational force is a gradient of electric charge (i.e., a grad E). Thus, if the aetheric gradient is changed around an atom, the gravity force will also change. This was demonstrated in the Townsend Brown effect where a high electric gradient across a capacitor would affect its weight. The effect can be amplified by moving the entire mass which synchronizes aether flow through the mass.
The current is gravity
Analysis of the properties of a ZPE vortex lead to the conclusion that matter is sustained by ZPE vortex and can in fact be modeled mathematically as the basis for matter. The basic forces such as gravity, nuclear binding force, electromagnetic forces, electron charge, and inertia are all derivable from ZPE. So we come to the conclusion that ZPE is really another name for aether. The only redeeming feature, in my mind, is that it allows physicists to save face by inventing a new unsullied term for aether which has a disreputable name in the physics community due to it being "disproved" by the early Michaelson Morley experiment. "A rose by any other name...."
Gravity flows into a point (atom or sun) it keeps collapsing the nucleus which then explodes in a shower of photons, or light
Black hole in the middle of the sun in 'glow' mode showers photons out in a collapse(dark) / pulse-out (glow) mechanism
Photons portal in from another dimension through a zero point energy vortex.
In Sacred science
- Time is an illusion
- Space is an hologram
- Self similarity at all levels - fractals
- Pyramids are photon collectors
- http://www.khemitology.com/akhenatenmyth-and-mystery-by-stephen-mehler/
- From Light into Darkness: The Evolution of Religion In Ancient Egypt (Adventures Unlimited Press) published in 2005.
- Source field is gravity/a fluid
- Gravity is life force
- Pyramid = fire in the middle - photons (actual meaning of the word pyramid) Energy collectors
Stephen Mehler was correct when he stated that we need a multidisciplinary paradigm to investigate the science of the pyramids because just looking at the energy/fluid flow through the pyramids requires a firm grounding in fluid dynamics (hydraulic engineering). This is because if the energy being pulled through the shape of the pyramid acts like a fluid, then the slope and size would significantly change the type and frequency of the energy being both emitted and vortexed inside it.
It is well known by Russian researchers that the angle of the slope of a pyramid does different things to the vortex created inside the pyramid.
Brief Summary of Pyramid Research Results
- Immune system of organisms improved (blood leukocyte composition increased).
- improved regeneration of tissue
- seeds stored in the pyramid for 1-5 days showed a 30-100% increase in yield
- soon after construction of the Lake Seliger pyramid a marked improvement of the ozone was noted above the area
- seismic activity near the pyramid research areas are reduced in severity and size
- violent weather also appears to decrease in the vicinity of the pyramids
- pyramids constructed in Southern Russia (Bashkiria) appeared to have a positive effect on oil production with oil becoming less viscous by 30% and the yield of the oil wells increased according to tests carried out by the Moscow Academy of Oil and Gas.
- a study was done on 5000 prisoners who ingested salt and pepper that had been exposed to the pyramid energy field. The test subjects exhibited a greatly reduced violence rate and overall behavior was much improved.
- standard tissue culture tests showed an increase in survival of cellular tissue after infection by viruses and bacteria
- radioactive substances show a decreased level of radiation inside the pyramid
- there are reports of spontaneous charging of capacitors
- physicists observed significant changes in superconductivity temperature thresholds and in the properties of semi-conducting and carbon nano materials.
- water inside the pyramid will remain liquid to minus 40 degrees Celsius but freeze instantly if jostled or bumped in any way
From <http://ten1000things.org/russian-pyramid-power/>
58.16 Questioner: I can see how a solid-sided pyramid would act as a funnel. It seems to me that using just the four rods joined at the apex angle would be less efficient. Can you tell me how they are equivalent to the solid-sided pyramid?
Ra: I am Ra. They are unequal in space/time, and we recommend for practical use the solid-sided pyramid or other focusing shape in order to give your physical bodily complexes respite from outside noise, rain, and other distractions to meditation. However, in time/space one is concerned with the electro-magnetic field produced by the shape. An equivalent field is produced by the solid and the open shape. Light is influenced metaphysically by this field rather than by visible shapes.
In a more practical sense, Shape Power can be understood as a means of biasing energy flows into a preferred pathway. That pathway is the geometry that reflects as a 3 dimensional structure, resonating and exchanging energy with other like resonant structures because they are now tuned.
"Shape power" is the ability of multi-dimensional shapes to manipulate the local space energy. In this treatise I shall use the term "aether" (or zero point field) to denote the local space energy field which permeates all space and time. The aether as a term and a concept is not currently accepted in academic circles because the aether was supposedly disproved back in the early part of this century by the Michaelson-Morley experiment. Flaws in the experiment caused new experiments to be run which indicated the existence of the aether; however, the orthodox physics community has not accepted these results. Additionally, research in the last 20 years has brought the aether back in a new guise called "zeropoint energy" (ZPE). I prefer the term aether because it connotes a much broader concept than ZPE.
Fundamental to understanding shape power is how the luminous aether interacts with matter. The basic premise is that all matter is simply a special case of the all-pervading universal energy filling all space; namely, the aether. Over the years, the existence and understanding of aether has evolved as the basis for gravity and free energy effects at a micro and macro level. Laboratory experiments have shown that superluminal energy and information transfer have been effectively accomplished via aetheric engineering, which effectively eliminates the theory of special relativity and its assumptions of a constant speed of light.
Stephen Mehler also talked about the pyramid and the 'box' being used for ascension - or initiation (as it used to be called back in the 60's)
Interestingly enough there has been a 'mythos' floating around since the 50's about the pyramids being used as an initiation device. I was 13 when I read about it.
Speculation abounds as to the great pyramid's true function. Orthodox Egyptologists cling to the belief that the great pyramid was used as a tomb for Cheops, the Egyptian king during whose reign the pyramid was supposedly built. The Rosicrucian Society believes that the pyramid was used as an initiation chamber to test advanced adepts. Some believe that it is an interstellar beacon to guide alien spacecraft to planet earth. Whatever the great pyramid is, it is NOT a tomb nor has it ever been. As a minimum, it is a testimony that advanced technology existed on the earth, rivaling our own, over 6000 year ago. A recent test case by Japanese scientists to duplicate the effort with modern construction technology and engineering failed.
Initiation, Elizabeth Haich:
In her best known book, Initiation, Haich describes early experiences of her life in Hungary, as well as details of her supposed past life during which she claimed to have been initiated as a priestess of Ra by her supposed uncle, Ptahhotep, in what she refers to as ancient Egypt. The book also describes a little of a more recent claimed previous life in which she was a washing-woman, was abandoned by her lover, lost contact with her daughter, and ended up a beggar on the streets. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Elisabeth_Haich
4.5Questioner: Is the size of the pyramid a function in effectiveness of the initiation?
Ra: I am Ra. Each size pyramid has its own point of streaming in of intelligent infinity. Thus, a tiny pyramid that can be placed below a body or above a body will have specific and various effects depending upon the placement of the body in relationship to the entrance point of intelligent infinity.
For the purposes of initiation, the size needed to be large enough to create the expression of towering size so that the entrance point of multi-dimensional intelligent infinity would completely pervade and fill the channel, the entire body being able to rest in this focused area. Furthermore, it was necessary for healing purposes that both channel and the one to be healed be able to rest within that focused point.
41.23Questioner: I have a book, Initiation, in which the woman describes initiation. Are you familiar with the contents of this book?
Ra: I am Ra. This is correct. We scan your mind.
4.2Questioner: Does the shape of the pyramid have effect upon the initiation?
Ra: I am Ra. As we began the last session question, you have already recorded in your individual memory complex the first use of the shape having to do with the body complex initiation. The initiation of spirit was a more carefully designed type of initiation as regards the time/space ratios about which the entity to be initiated found itself.
If you will picture with me the side of the so-called pyramid shape and mentally imagine this triangle cut into four equal triangles, you will find the intersection of the triangle which is at the first level on each of the four sides forms a diamond in a plane which is horizontal. The middle of this plane is the appropriate place for the intersection of the energies streaming from the infinite dimensions and the mind/body/spirit complexes of various interwoven energy fields. Thus it was designed that the one to be initiated would, by mind, be able to perceive and then channel this, shall we say, gateway to intelligent infinity. This, then, was the second point of designing this specific shape.
From <http://www.lawofone.info/results.php?q=pyramid+initiation>
Which makes sense that they moved the position of the box so the device would not work anymore as well as it once did. God forbid we find a device we could use to help the human race…. sighs
Now with our better understanding of quantum technology we also understand that the pyramid was a quantum wave generator that probably did what CERN is trying to do much more efficiently and in a much more stable manner as concerns the quantum energetic balance in the ground, electromagnetic fields and bio-energy surrounding the device.
Nassim Harriman also presents the idea that not only is the universe built upon fractalized light - the original photon, but that it is the node points of the shapes - platonic solids which fit inside each other that build the solidness of light - or slow it down in frequency that allows matter to be - or gravity
In a more practical sense, Shape Power can be understood as a means of biasing energy flows into a preferred pathway. That pathway is the geometry that reflects as a 3 dimensional structure, resonating and exchanging energy with other like resonant structures because they are now tuned. "Shape power" is the ability of multi-dimensional shapes to manipulate the local space energy. In this treatise I shall use the term "aether" (or zero point field) to denote the local space energy field which permeates all space and time. The aether as a term and a concept is not currently accepted in academic circles because the aether was supposedly disproved back in the early part of this century by the Michaelson-Morley experiment. Flaws in the experiment caused new experiments to be run which indicated the existence of the aether; however, the orthodox physics community has not accepted these results. Additionally, research in the last 20 years has brought the aether back in a new guise called "zeropoint energy" (ZPE). I prefer the term aether because it connotes a much broader concept than ZPE.
58.12 Questioner: Then the lines of spiraling light energy— do they originate from a position toward the center of the Earth and radiate outward from that point?
Ra: I am Ra. The pyramid shape is a collector which draws the instreaming energy from what you would term, the bottom or base, and allows this energy to spiral upward in a line with the apex of this shape. This is also true if a pyramid shape is upended. The energy is not Earth energy, as we understand your question, but is light energy which is omni-present.
This is also how CARAT tech works:
Because: In a more practical sense, Shape Power can be understood as a means of biasing energy flows into a preferred pathway. That pathway is the geometry that reflects as a 3 dimensional structure, resonating and exchanging energy with other like resonant structures because they are now tuned.
One of our favorites is a famous inventor of the 19th century, John Ernst Worrel Keely, who developed shape power to a fine science. One of Keely's demonstration gimmicks was to draw a series of symbols on a blackboard and one of his vibratory devices or motors would start operating. What I surmise is that Keely used symbols to control the aetheric energies in his lab and possibly focalize them to effect mechanical operation. Magic at its finest!
This also lends credence to Stephen Mehler's assertion that the predynastic glyphs contain much more information if they are read correctly. There was a guest on the Jimmy Church show a few years back that talked about the triple meaning of each glyph: sound/ideogram/spiritual concepts and that the glyphs when read properly would have contained in each statement a spiritual and scientific concept. https://alsionsbells.wordpress.com/2014/12/11/what-happens-when-you-hold-the-space/
So (yeah here it comes) IMO, the pyramids had many uses throughout time, many meanings and the fact that they are still standing on the Giza plateau and all over the world, underwater, buried under ice, under the sands of time, lends great credence to the stability of the design and how it functions quantumly to stabilize the area around it.
David Wilcock and the LO1 both state that they were built by the RA for many purposes, many world rounds ago. http://www.lawofone.info/results.php?q=giza And yes, During the last Great Year, in an age of light we walked among, mingled with and were both indigenous and extraterrestrial, but we were fully aware of this fact. Today sadly, that ALL looks like ET to us. But give us few thousand years and we will re-member all of our family members back into a wholeness and once again know who and what we are.
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