[Ok, I suppose some explanation is in order here. Look, 'Disclosure' happened in '47. Can we just get over it and get on? We, as Faders already KNOW what is up. Come on - get with the plan and start asking what is next. Which, most of us, already have a good idea of. Ahem. We ARE the leaders. We know. We need to lead. We are in the middle of the next step. Guys, I am, and a lot of ppl are, counting on us to bring up the next question.] from FB in the comments for Olav Phillips, Wednesday night.
Listening to Olav Phillips last night was a kin to a joyful experience. He is a real researcher. He is not involved in any camp of information, UFO religion, set of personalities, or any one view point that has become unmovable. I know I am a self-righteous snot sometimes, but I am really tired of everybody saying that they have the ONLY factual accounting and information. Trust me - I am relieved listening to an unbounded mind about this whole ball of wax, because some of the information out there I really wish wasn't true.
Unfortunately we are now pretty sure they want to kill us, and are pretty sure of the many ways they are trying to do it, and pretty sure that financially they have already mucked the system up such that people in their middle sixties are reasonably sure the Medicare and Medicaid and social security will not be there when and IF we need it.
So when you look at the Paranormal and UFO situation, you just have to say, "Really? That was unequivocally settled in 1947. Move on. What next. Quit waiting for a system that is trying to kill us all and lie about it to tell the truth - especially about this!!!"
We need to get over our credulity at all of it and proceed as if. As if every last bit of it were true. IMO if you have heard of it - it exists. Period. Every time we look for proof or an explanation from someone in authority we are succumbing to the party line, their party line.
I for one, am sick to death of having somebody tell me what I can and cannot think!
At the rate the idiots who control this planet are going, by the time the rest of us get to the 'enough!' point to take this matter into our own hands, it WILL be too late. It's all true. It's all been going on for a millennia or more and our kindergarten expression of disbelief and outrage no longer fits the bill. And, we all know this! Our attitudes of 'Well, what can I do, this is a gov't thing, it's too big for me, I can't make a difference' have got to go in last week's trash, ok?
I look at it this way, an entire 2 generations of people have been lured and tricked into this in as many ways as there are people, and it's going to take that many people in all their creative and inventive ways to come up with a solution - and nobody is ever going to tell us how. This is what we really need to understand. NOBODY(!) is going to take us by the hand and lead us through this mess. We Have to figure it out and the first step is to QUIT WAITING for the very people who are hiding it to take us by the hand and sit us down with the words, "I have something to tell you." Personally if they did, I'd run the other way because it would be only more convoluted garbage to cover their own sad asses.
So, is disclosure dead - Pfft! (Uhhhm, yeah, in a word.) It happened and it's been over for a long time - what we are dealing with now is the explanation of how and why the cookie jar on the top of the refrigerator is lying in a thousand pieces on the floor.
Climb out of the quantum box of comfortable explanations and challenge yourselves to really see what is around you.
I dare you.
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