I know there are times when I just sound like a sappy new-age do-gooder… And well, I am. I prefer to center myself there for a lot of reasons. However, even though it looks like I may be stupid, I am not. I look at ALL the media both the good and the bad and then, I take another step. I step back. I look for a pattern. And then, I take yet another step back, and I keep doing it as long as I can perceive a pattern. Sometimes in the old 'As Above, So Below' adage the pattern goes all the way through from top to bottom, Then I know I have found something that is worth some study.
Last night the guest on the Jimmy Church Radio Show, Stewart Pearce, who in my opinion is a second degree adept on the path, was asked a very important question by Jimmy. He was asked, "What do you do to combat 'negativity' in the moment, when you are right in the middle of it? ( IE: when you are triggered) The three steps he gave as the answer hold the key to everything, including right discernment. They were:
Detach: mostly emotionally, but walk a bit away physically if you must
Ok, this new 'buzz' word triggered, is not new at all - we used it a lot back in the 80's - hello. However it means to be REACTIVE instead of choosing to act. When you react you have no choice and no control. Generally you act like an ass. Then you have to have the balls to apologize… If you are triggered the last thing you will do is back away from the issue or be able to detach. So, A few words on how to quickly defuse a trigger in the moment for exploration later.
It you are reacting, instead of choosing to act, you have a stored emotional stuck point that didn't get resolved in your memory. In the present if it is extremely necessary that you get control of the situation, you can make a mental note of the emotion that is sticking in your craw and being difficult and promise to deal with and understand it (and I do mean a promise that you will fulfill, or it will absolutely bite your butt the next time) and forcibly put it to the side and in your mind simply step away from it. This clears your perception to see the wide scope of action you are in the middle of.
Feel Stillness: from inside yourself
Silence, solitude and stillness - the image is kind of like when Neo in the Matrix makes all movement slow to almost nothing. In that space, that stillness - it is possible to get a snapshot of the integral energies of the situation. The guest last night was entirely correct when he said, "Deep Stillness is a suspension of time." Then you can:
Observe: really watch from a non-emotional view point - even if you are in emotional turmoil.
To observe like Sherlock Holmes, for example, takes some practice. The emotional overlay on any experience will have you placing importance on some things and ignoring other things. If you can just watch… you will see most all the things with your conscious mind and how they interlock. You will see the underlying energies of the situation and understand what is going on. To take the stance of the Observer is a skill that needs to be honed, but is quite possible once you start to practice it. I am not going to tell you it takes years of practice or any such hogwash. It doesn't. But it takes emotional honesty. And it can bite back when you want to see one thing but instead see another. It is extremely hard to do if you are emotionally invested with what you are watching at the time, but can be done.
Just like the damned airport incident on Tuesday of last week - I was an emotional mess, but there was a portion of my brain watching the whole thing laughing at all the bullshit knowing it was not all coincidence and taking in the bigger picture to find the originating point of the whole situation to gain a greater understanding and thusly greater control over the seemingly coincidental events as they rolled out… grrr
It is only because I could pull back from my distraught emotional self and observe and thusly see the ludicrousness of my situation that I didn't end up acting out and getting thrown out of the airport, or worse, getting thrown in jail.
From the position of the Observer many things become clear. Not the least of which, you are no longer in an unthinking reaction to the situation and you can CHOOSE your actions in full control.
Now, let's apply this to a larger picture - the current efforts to put the information of our genre back down the rabbit hole to get lost for another 20 plus years…
Although IMO I think there is also something else going on behind the scenes, it is kinda obvious that there is a concerted effort to shove the UFO/ET/Truth Embargo down the toilet yet again. The more this gets out of hand and pushes all of us even remotely concerned into an either or camp, the more this plan to dump us all down the rabbit hole never to return is effective. I refuse to comply or play the game. I'm not getting stuck in ANY either or scenario. Period.
Another idea has occurred to me also, and that is this is the way to take us off guard so that whatever they have planned - their SPIN on the situation, is accepted easier than it would have been if we had all had our wits about us and our noses where they belonged. As long as we are distracted there is a greater chance whatever is in the works can take us off guard, catch us unawares and really whomp us over the head.
The only reason I think something IS in the works is because of the massive effort currently to distract us. THINK ABOUT IT!
There are many theories out there like a false flag alien invasion with real aliens, a false flag WWIII event, an evasion of the current embroiligo around:
Babylonian Magic Moneygate
Pick any and a thousand more… One of them is gonna break the game coming up here soon and that is why the evasion tactics.
Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain as we all skip off the see the wizard on the yellow (gold) brick road.
I'm getting' more and more suspicious as the hours go on.
I leave you with this:
75d: Candice Bergen / Esther Phillips
[ SUPER: "Jaws II" ] [ dissolve to Sheriff's Office, Sheriff and Matt Hooper looking over a three-foot long metal tub covered with a white cloth ] Matt Hooper: [ looks under cloth and winces ] Oh, my God! Sheriff: What was it? Matt Hooper: Land shark. The cleverest species of them all. [ dissolve to Woman #2 in her apartment ] [ Music: "Jaws Theme ] [ a knock at the door ] Woman #2: [ approaches the door ] Yes? Land Shark: [ muffled voice ] Mrs. Arlsbergerhh?? Woman #2: Who? Land Shark: [ muffled voice ] Mrs. Johnannesburrrr?? Woman #2: Who is it? Land Shark: [ muffled voice ] Flowers. Woman #2: Flowers? From whom? Land Shark: [ muffled voice ] Plumber, ma'am.. Woman #2: I don't need a plumber. You're that clever shark, aren't you? Land Shark: [ muffled voice ] Candygram. Woman #2: Candygram, my foot! Get out of here before I call the proper authorities. You're the shark, and you know it. Land Shark: [ muffled voice ] I'm only a dolphin, ma'am.. Woman #2: A dolphin? Well.. okay.. [ she opens the door, as the shark pulls her screaming into the hallway ] |
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