I have been following a slightly different time line on this situation and it starts back on July 31st of this year.
This video was published on July 31, 2016. Since May, the Farsight Institute has been executing an experiment to see if they could remote view the major headlines one month ahead. They were not putting these videos up until AFTER the month was over, simply to be able to show results along with the remote viewing sessions.
Published on Jul 31, 2016
This video is part of the Time-Cross Project being conducted at The Farsight Institute. Here, remote viewers perceive a month in advance the political turmoil in the streets during the month of August 2016. For the first time in our monthly series of Time-Cross experiments, all of the viewers have remarkably similar sessions describing what appears to be a singular incident or event for August. As you watch these sessions, it is important to remember that the viewers worked independently, separated by vast distances (Hawaii, Great Britain, and North Carolina), and none of the viewers shared or compared their sessions in any way while doing their work. These are the unedited remote-viewing sessions done by Daz Smith, Dick Allgire, and PrinCess Jeanee, all done in July 2016 and published on YouTube on July 31st, describing the major news event of August 2016.
Please continue to follow the results of our monthly Time-Cross Project. It is one of the most interesting remote-viewing projects ever attempted. Also, be sure to watch some of our Mysteries Projects. We are offering our Time-Cross Project free to the public as a way of demonstrating the reality and potential of remote viewing. It costs Farsight a few thousand dollars each month to do this. So your help, by watching our Mysteries Projects, is the only thing that pays the bills. Also, please subscribe to our YouTube channel.
There was quite the speculation when this came out - I made the mistake of trying to see all three sessions as one whole event. Then Kerry Cassidy tried to set up a panel discussion with several people, one of which was Dick Allgire to discuss and explore the July 31st posting from Farsight. When it became clear that her efforts were being blocked she then attempted to warn Elon Musk in this video.
Published on Sep 1, 2016
On August 13th I put out a public warning to ELON MUSK at SPACE X that there may be sabotage associated with DRAGON… See below for my Broadcast.
It does appear that Keith Hunter’s suggestion that the Dick Allgire remote viewed event of August could relate to the return of the Dragon Capsule was not exactly on the mark but close!! I picked up on this and put out a warning. What may have happened (as there has been no loss of life) is, that we prevented the SPACE X incident from being bigger than it was….
Investigation ongoing....
Also see my recent video roundtable discussion with Jim Marrs and Dick Allgire about the August Remote viewings...
Also see ufo nearby just before it explodes: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1I5RT...
When things finally came together, Dick Allgire and Jim Marrs give a sterling interview discussion on many aspects of remote viewing including a detailed analysis of how and what the August look see might apply to. THIS WAS BEFORE SPACEX EXPLODED!!
Streamed live on Aug 31, 2016
This is a ROUNDTABLE conversation with Jim Marrs and Dick Allgire. We discuss the August Event that Dick, one of the Courtney Brown Farsight Institute remote viewers, who was involved in the August viewing about 1 month ago. We will be discussing whether that viewing was accurate and what makes for accurate viewing and interpretation of viewings as well as the technique itself.
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When I saw this I realized the mistake I had made trying to combine all three remote viewings into one when Dick Allgire explained the process. Very Enlightening!
What happens next is Kerry's Interview with Simon Parkes:
Streamed live 22 hours ago
I interviewed Simon Parkes Thursday, September 1st at 10 AM PT ....
RE: RAMPING UP OF MILITARY ACTION... THE BANKSTERS ARE RUNNING OUT OF TIME FOR THE FINANCIAL RESET and need to get WWIII going to make there plans for ONE Word Government and One World Military a reality.
which is all about the build up to a false flag operation in Europe - highly informative - but at the very beginning Simon informs Kerry of the SpaceX explosion before it ever hit the news here. He states he heard about it about 4 minutes after it happened. You can see the shock on Kerry's face at this point as she probably realizes that Dick Allgire's prediction of supersonic speed and extreme temperature but (NO NUCLEAR) explosion just happened.
And then, we get the footage of the SpaceX explosion.
We all notice anomalies in the footage and I immediately think of Kerry's reports and Dick Allgire's remote viewing session.
Then progress to Jimmy Church's face book page and some talented Fadernauts and we have most of the anomalies screen captured.
Here is my screen capture and IMO (of course) it looks like a craft - a bright one and this is just one of several - at one point it looks like there is a craft and its projectile.
It seems that several were fired at several heights.
As a side note Simon Parkes also addresses the Threat to Angela Merkel, the German Chancellor after the mandate to her people to pack in two weeks' worth of food ( https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v3P4OUmJKac) and water 'in case' of a disaster, which, must have pissed off the cabal. Simon predicted that her life would be threatened for this and he was right.:
Published on Aug 29, 2016 Supposed assassination attempt on German Chancellor Angela Merkel and the situation in Europe. From <https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QI4Pw-eJzhE>
There's just all sorts of stuff going on luring all of us to step out of the observer and come play the game.... it would be so easy to....
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