The Racial Engram – Why?

May 10, 2016 Alison Bell 0

What would be the easiest way to keep genetic blood line experiments separate, to be able to track them throughout the centuries? How about implanting the social complex you wish to segregate with the concept of elitism, with a racial fear – fear of dimishment of power? The most efficient way to do this would be by calling one group of people bad, and another good, or better than? And to prove this to the ‘better than’ ones you are trying to segregate, why not give them a mystery school set of beliefs radically different from those of the rest [-MORE-]

Sun dogs, planet X, or another piece of tiresome fear porn?

February 28, 2016 Alison Bell 0

Recently a lot of posts have been up on face book and for the last several years, videos on You Tube on Planet X with a fervor of belief and dire messages of doom. The possibilities are endless, the disinformation is ubiquitous (present, appearing, or found everywhere) and even our best researchers have bowed to the pressure of doing articles on this subject.   This was recently all over the place: Still of footage played on the CTV channel in China. Credit: CTV View full size image Weeks after a story shot across the Web claiming that the imminent explosion [-MORE-]