AATIP is not AATIP! It is AAWSAP: Why FOIA requests have failed!
I find this MORE than interesting. http://richarddolanmembers.com/ufos/breaking-news-on-aatip-paul-dean-strikes-again/ Breaking News on AATIP: Paul Dean Strikes Again! By Richard Dolan | April 29, 2018 I just received a message from friend and fellow researcher Paul Dean from Australia. If you don’t know, Paul is one of the world’s best UFO document researchers, as expert in filing FOIA requests as anyone out there. Moreover, he is a virtual encyclopedia when it comes to the arcane world of military acronyms, nomenclature, and especially the labyrinthian maze of the U.S. national security bureaucracy. This is important if you want to file a FOIA request to the [-MORE-]