The Opened Heart plus the Enlightened Mind becomes the third (trinary) co-creative possibility that forms our reality, instantaneously. The Opened Heart is one that has healed or is healing from the pit that the controllers have made of this world. The Enlightened Mind is the one that sees through the tricks to understand how it was done. The two together are what formulate the passion that arises from within that not only has the power to walk away from it all, but to co-create with the earth a new paradigm.
We see the healing of the heart going on all around us daily as I mentioned in my last little blip, and we are coming to realize the mind-management that we are dealing with even in the alternative information fields as we uncover all the damage that has been done and see the directing influence trying to point us back down into darkness.
Here is where the nitty gritty work begins. Because we must be aware of the causes of our trashed world and our mind cages to be able to CHOOSE to say no. And then, we must have an enormous power of love behind it all to choose not to exact revenge, but to disempower the whole thing by choosing to love the entire world and heal it, instead.
However you are called to do this is the way it should be done. There will be as many ways as there are people, once our subconscious-consensus realizes the power we have to create and heal. And we will. Because we were made that way. We were made to love and cherish all of what and whom we encounter. We were made to stand and emit waves of intelligent infinity, or love to all of creation. We were made to be creators. We are known, even at this dark level of mind we are breaking out of as 'clever' people throughout the galaxy. When we figure out how to operate above where we are now, with this intelligent infinity shinning out from us and co-create with all that we encounter, then truly, will we have come into our birthright to be a gift to creation.
This was an epiphany I had back in grade school. I had just encountered the idea of world-ending-disaster and was so destroyed at the possibility that I could barely function. I was sitting staring out my window searching for a different truth from somewhere, when the idea of a shining earth, and enlightened, wonderful people creating a frequency of love so bright and beautiful that it streamed throughout the galaxy (I thought small in those days) and that all who felt it would come here for healing and love. The intuitive hit was so strong, it was so wondrous and beautiful that it completely cured the sadness over what I considered from that moment on - wrong information. That was when I stopped believing in the bible and all of what I considered it's twisted meanness. I knew with every fiber of my being that the radiant earth was the real truth.
I have struggled all my life to step away from mean spirited, small minded, divisive, exclusionary minds. Nothing has caused me greater pain. Because of that, I have barely lived 'in' this world. I've floated the edges, staying away from systems and entrenchments. Because of that, I have accomplished very little in the way this world judges success, but it doesn't matter. What does matter to me, is clarity of mind, perception and a sensitive heart. All of which, in any of us who are awake has been through the ringer of late.
And yet, I keep getting those intuitive hits that say 'Look! Look around - it's gotten better, take heart, it is happening'. We just need to stay the course, hold the vision and never give up. (Kinda of like that last sit up…you know you can do it) To compare this to the birthing process - we are in transition. Hold on to your hats because it really truly is happening. It is already real.
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