Joseph Farrel has a very interesting theory about the ET presence in our modern world. He thinks we are at a "Tower of Babel Moment" - yet again. He talks about the comic war that blew up Tiamat, what is now the asteroid belt and rent the atmosphere of mars and how the victors and vanquished were not only quarantined to this planet, but how the solar system it's self was quarantined. How the technology of both sides was taken, and what couldn't be taken or used was destroyed and how what couldn't be destroyed was hidden. He also says that this planet several times has been reduced to stone-age technology in these Tower of Babel Moments. In other words, we have had the snot knocked out of us more than once when it looked like we were developing enough tech to get off planet. (there are ancient records on all of that)
He also quotes Richard Dolan: "The UFO is the missing piece of modern history." He says once you add that element back into the story, pretty much all the erratic behavior of the world Gov'ts makes sense. I agree. So what has caused the recent (last 80 years) ET interest in this planet? The discovery of nuclear power, because it warps space time, it jangles the cosmic web, so to speak. Then he goes on to talk about trying to back engineer the thinking of the breakaway groups of intelligence on this planet and what their thinking would be, after hunting down through history for all the records of ancient origin and finding technology hidden in mysticism. What they surmised once they had the full records of what has happened in the vast reaches of history and discovered how many times we have been knocked back. IE: What do we need to do to get past this happening again?
Well you would want parity - both in technology and manufacturing capability. You would have to play catch up very quickly get to the level of being able to say "Yes here we are again and No, you cannot knock us back to the stone age this time!
We want a Parole Hearing!!!
Speculatively, if Corey Goode's reports about hearings in front of the Galactic Federation Council are correct that may be what is going on right now. We are pleading our case; that we can get our shit together and enter the broader world of the galaxy without blowing everybody up both on the planet and outside of it. In other words;
We are sitting on the precipice of going forward or being shot down to the beginning, yet again.
(external organized intervention…)
It seems all of the refugees of both sides of the ancient cosmic war have been stuck here for quite a while and because the cosmic war was more of a civil war, they have continued to bicker and fight over trivialities and vandalized the planet. The breakaway SSP program is an offshoot of one faction of a breakaway that decided to try to get away from what they saw as impending disaster (once again) and to establish security somewhere else and also, just maybe, protect the planet from being sent back to the dark ages again.
Here's the sticky point, we are being asked as a planet to decide to behave or not without knowing any of this. As if to ask - are we genuinely rehabilitated, or do we just not want to get decimated again. If the human race as a whole knew what was hanging in the balance and how we are right at the pinnacle of going one way or the other, I do believe we could and would get our collective acts together and give good reason to go on. I really think most of us have reformed, we just want to be able to love each other and live in comfort and to discover just what we really are capable of. I suppose if we knew it would disrupt the FREE WILL thing…
However, if any of the information about being dumbed down and programmed is correct and IMO it is, then we are behind the eight ball, we do need some re-education before we are …judged… We need to take care of the miscreants that make it impossible to even get a taste of peace, we need to get a handle on our history and we need to get whatever remedial education is necessary to accomplish this. FAST!
So here's a clue, Goode, Basiago, Dolan, Farrell; THEY ARE ALL CORRECT. STAND BACK and look at the information of history - look at the pattern - dare to see the whole mess a different way. Give up your programmed thinking structures and SEE. It's all there.
It's important - we are all deciding.
Right now.
Parole, or no parole.
I want out of the corner, don't you?
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