It has been said, that humanity is not ready for advanced information because we would use it wrongly - an Atlantean racial memory, perhaps? In all the old records about this society - the channelings, the pulling down of info from the akashic records/siddhis, we are met with this one point - that a war between peoples destroyed the earth and collapsed an advanced high civilization. That they all migrated and integrated themselves into other civilizations and social systems on the earth while keeping their ideations alive - albeit secret. Joseph Farrel has an entire series of books that are written from an examination of ancient writings and academic studies on the translation of these records that show, illuminate this thread through time up to today.
Those two factions have been named the Belial Group and the Great White Brotherhood. (1) Their legacy comes down through time to today in the cabal/deep state and the mystery schools. Their infighting also continues today in that every positive movement message to teach society higher principles has been eventually twisted, and the new awareness movement has clued us all into what the deep state has been/is up to.
IMO if the information to raise humanity's hearts and minds had been released earlier, even though humanity 'wasn't' ready for it, I think it would have eventually brought us to a different space - today, a more enlightened place where the current stranglehold on our hearts and minds may not have happened because this information has a peculiar effect to it that tends to raise and enlighten all those that come in contact with it. It has this 'effect' of opening up consciousness, changing DNA and evolving the soul. It would have been inevitable.
The argument against this was that the technology could have also been used to create great and horrible planet killing sciences - like the atom bomb. Notice, however, that some of it - like the bomb, made it out into mainstream and, well, we are still here. There was another part of this tech related to frequency harmonics and radio/microwave technology that also made it out ( from supposedly the good side and was twisted) and is being used for nefarious purposes against us in things like 5G and the space fence.
In occulting the main part of the understanding of this science the real effect was for us to get caught in developing devices/tech that use a dangerous part of it to try to help society, like nuclear power stations, that ultimately have turned against us by becoming an ecological disaster. Also, in occulting most of this information we are not prepared for it's wrong use AGAINST US because we are unable to understand the whole of the weapon being used - BECAUSE THE SCIENCE IS TILL SECRET!
There is evidence littered all through society that this tech is being used behind our backs by an entire higher strata of advanced society that we have no part of, and it was/is created from the sweat of our backs and brows.
Richard Dolan talks about the breakaway civilization.
DW, CG, ES and JS all talk about the secret space program. (2)
Kathryn Austin Fitts talks about where the money comes from to support both the breakaway civilization and the SSP, how we are robbed of not only the money but the tech that could help us and what they are using it for.
Joseph P. Farrell talks about the origin of the two sides of the warring factions through historical proof, and also tracks the science, the secrecy and the money it took to keep it that way from a global perspective
Dark Journalist is chronicling the more modern mystery school vs. deep state roots and the twisted path through politics and government influence the information has been hidden.
Dean Radin is exploring how to rebirth it through science and demystify it.
Grant Cameron is following it through the UFO/phenomenology foot print.
LMH is documenting it through the tracking and reporting of anomalous events and amazing original thinking when connecting the dots.
Nick Redfern is tracking it through cryptozoology and myth and legend.
JAWs (John Anthony West) was exploring it through ancient Egypt.
Carmen Boulter is using sheer intuition and her academic training to go against institutional ideas and finding amazing archeological hidden treasures.
People like Wall Thornhill, Dr. Robert Schoch and Brian Foerster are all boots on the ground scientists who have bucked the system.
These are the people whose research is where to start looking when you want to see the outer pattern of this current mess and the unholy game going on today. Through all of these people who found a thread of this reality and pursued it, we find one commonality and that is a state of consciousness, a willingness to think out of the box and really see - an expanded consciousness - an 'X' factor, as DJ has been calling it of late. One that enables us to see differently information that has been in front of our noses in plain sight forever.
Consciousness is the unified field. Everything that could possibly be done to hide this fact has been done. This fact is not even worthy of a why, it requires we zero in on our own consciousness and head straight to the heart of the matter. It means we don't stop till we figure it out. This is a branch of information that is civilization changing, civilization stabilizing, survival ensuring, life enhancing information.
Grant Cameron absolutely swears that the UFO tech does NOT work unless there is a state of consciousness that guides it, that the whole UFO question will be understood from a point of consciousness, not only nuts and bolts. Further, it has been documented that anybody who has had contact with the phenomenal effect will show a change in their DNA.
Since DNA is a frequency, (3) I posit that whatever this effect, this information is, it radically changes our frequency which is something the new 5G and the terrestrial space fence are trying to destroy….
To get ahead of this game, IMO, it is necessary to imagine 20 steps ahead if not more, have a planetary - nay, solar system grasp of the politics going on and have an open mind enough to be able to put this information together in odd and wonderful ways. The only way we regular people have of ever dreaming of getting a hold of this damned aeon game is by getting a head of the curve, because we will never have enough money or power or prestige to do it any other way.
We have minds.
It's now time to use them.
(1) https://www.historicmysteries.com/edgar-cayce-atlantis/
(2) David Wilcock, Corey Goode. Emery Smith and Jason Sather
(3) DNA Science and What Russian Researchers Have Surprisingly Discovered…
The people Links:
Dolan http://richarddolanmembers.com/
Wilcock https://divinecosmos.com/
Goode https://spherebeingalliance.com/
Smith https://youtu.be/AnkUrXzco48
Sather https://www.secretspaceprogram.com/
Fitts https://home.solari.com/
Farrell https://gizadeathstar.com/
Liszt http://www.darkjournalist.com/reports.php
Radin http://www.deanradin.org/
Cameron http://www.presidentialufo.com/
Howe https://www.earthfiles.com/
Redfern http://nickredfernfortean.blogspot.com/
West http://www.jawest.net/links.htm
Boulter http://www.pyramidcode.com/
Thornhill https://www.thunderbolts.info/wp/
Schoch http://www.robertschoch.com/
Foerster https://hiddenincatours.com/
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