There is a prime lot of Psy-op, Data Inundation, and lets screw with their heads going on out there right now. I feel we are at a point where everything will very soon become apparent. But my question is, why are they trying so hard to distract us? My attention was drawn to an FB posting on a trailer for a non-existent movie, that had information on the pre-adamites we are supposedly finding in Arc'lantis and Nibiru and the whole ball of wax right now. As to why this movie has gained mythical status by vanishing, is also an interesting question. However, this trailer has nothing to do with the movie it was for and yet is a perfect representation of all of the topics that are being used to keep us running in nine million directions.
Watch the 7 minute trailer here - well worth the 7 minutes. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KN7pcyd8igg
The movie 1Anunnaki that this trailer is supposedly about is a prime example of something that made somebody really nervous so they had it removed, or an excellent psy-op that fooled a lot of people. Almost all threads to it have been eradicated. There has been a recent 'new' trailer released that has nothing to do with the movie what-so-ever by this you tube site. Youtubenautas home page https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCYFiDUccDEF92DfRnQ3yIYA/videos
On May 25, 2016 the trailer was released by the above people, Youtubenautas, who are not the producers or official anything for the 1Annunaki movie. More on that below.
So I watched this trailer, my response to is below. While trying to find out about this movie all I could find were a few interviews with the producer Jon Gress. So, in watching the trailer I realized that the original idea for the film is about as far away from the 'current' trailer as possible, and what I was looking at was a rather poorly disguised and poorly produced piece of fear porn.
Brilliantly done by the spin doctors to remind us of every point in every 'educational' movie in case we missed it. This is the prep for their next great money making, world destruction scheme.
I am angry that they are preparing us for their next great scheme, the next great war that will be with ET and they think that we are going to swallow it lock stock and barrel. Of course that was well done and well produced it was ripped off from people like the Koch brothers et al who are out there to give us a picture of what they are planning to do to us and it used every recent sci-fi motion picture out there with some sound over vocals that did not even belong to the visual footage. I'm angry at the assholes because they have always sold fear for profit and control. They are very good at it. And they don't care who they kill during the sales pitch. And... There are good and bad everything , the same as there are good and bad people. Yin and yang. Kolo has been watching Oliver Stone's epic history. Every time I see it I see it with new eyes. This has been going on for eons and it is TIME for it to be freaking over!
A friend made a succinct, rather wordy epic reply to my above little rant which made me laugh… so, so, damned true:
I'm not clear on what part of this montage you think is bullshit... as a composition, I enjoyed the hell out of it. It had everything in it in a nice, neat little 7 minute package... Climate change, extreme weather events, evil reptilians, the Military Industrial Complex, Planet X, ancient Pyramids, Ancient Sumerians, Genetic manipulation by aliens, the seeding of the planet, an intruder celestial body in our inner solar system, evolved alien species, Exopolitics, evil reptilian overlords/cabal/illuminati, nuclear holocaust, religious Polarization, panic, grey aliens, space stations/platforms, Secret Space Program, catastrophic seismic activity/ tectonic displacement, secret agents with hidden spacecraft, social upheaval, a wooly mammoth or a dinosaur/ time travel, laser guns, flooding, blue Avians, a guy being beamed up/taken the hard way to an alien craft, resurrection technology, fifth dimensional beings, a tactical nuke exploding in the capitol, a disenfranchised secret space program guy, smart bombs, cities in ruin, some secretive hacking group off grid in the mountains somewhere, more social and pavement upheaval, a winged reptilian bedroom intruder, another bomb going off, the cabal checking in with some artificial intelligence while a few demons and assorted aliens stand around quietly, more aliens/ET's, a fallen angel, a nun, Rock of the Mount, a mysterious woman in green, a safety briefing for soldiers, soldiers in the Now not-so-secret space program going off to fight space war to protect the secret space station/LOC, some cool high tech battle scenes, a mysterious albino lady in white, more social upheaval, more war, a limited nuclear exchange, a vessel emerging from the Antarctic ice...a tsunami wrecks San Fran after the big one, people who can't swim running from it, walking wounded, big water slosh on the planet when the poles flip, more nukes from space, crop circles, meteor showers, earth soldiers, nukes taking out the navy, more flooding, cities on fire, a lost kid, a pyramid buried in snow in Alaska, climate refugees, more destruction, soldiers on trampolines, an alien getting a transplant, more soldier shoot-em-up, a firefighter about to get his ass handed to him, Bishops praying at the Vatican, more tectonic activity and tsunamis, mass evacuations of populated centers, California going for a swim, more tsunamis, big ones this time in the Atlantic, east coast getting wiped out, a female Milab, a male Milab, a space station filled with elites, secret space program ships, evacuation of special people, an asteroid band approaching earth, followed by Nibiru, some cool interspecies kung fu, exotic weapons, invasion and desperate response by defenders, air superiority by alien craft, a outgunned rally by conventional war fighters in fleets of conventional aircraft, a secret space port in Antarctica, a couple of time travelers trying to get the fuck out of dodge, more blue Avians waving hello. What's there not to like. This is Contact in the desert. Wait...they missed chakras, but they got the mars shuttle mission in.... I thought it was f'ing great... it deserves an academy award... what's not to love? Fear sells. What part don't you get?
I am laughing still as I reread this because it is hilarious and absolutely true.
In an effort to try to vet the actual movie I found all of this: https://www.bibliotecapleyades.net/sumer_anunnaki/anunnaki/anu_59.htm which talks about the movie being taken down and 'lost'… amid all the data inundation - with links changed and people like the above Youtubenautas making trailers using a name with no connection to the original creator or his theme.
Then this, an interview with the producer John Gress. And if you watch it you will understand the huge discrepancy between the 'new' trailer and what would have been a block buster film had it not been totally taken down by TPTB. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yROe6r3QFco
So it seems the history on this is it was produced in 2006 and the released was stopped, in 2008 and was stopped, in 2011 was stopped and tried to come out in digital in 2011 and - you guessed it, was stopped. Now you can only find it in chapter form on you tube. And so far I have only been able to find the first chapter, an interview with the producer, John Gress.
For what I can find, there was a lot of hype and not much else is left except anecdotal films that others put together using various collections of scary shit found on the web and the stolen header for the 'original' movie. As usual the search words and the trails have been muddied by an immense amount of meaningless data. This article goes into speculation of why: http://goldenageofgaia.com/2011/07/19/was-trilogy-on-the-anunnaki-suppressed/
Basically when you look at where we are you begin to realize that there is a mighty amount of newer maybe not so truer information out there that we are absolutely being bombarded by for free. This is called:
Data inundation: a new disinformation tactic that gives you massive amounts of information to look and sort through that only has crumbs of actual truth in it.
After many, many years of doing this the hard way, the first thing that happens to all of us is a dead stop and the question becomes "Why?" Why is it so easy all of a sudden to find the most absolutely juicy evidence that spans an incredible range of topics?
Data Inundation. When you can't beat 'em, join 'em! When you can't keep the information off the net, the only choice you have is to offer more - much, much more! Muddy the waters. Then it becomes even that much harder to figure out what is what. However, this tactic is masking something else.
IMO the paragraph above from my friend sums up pretty aptly what we are being inundated by. When I got done reading it my mind was out of breath and I was laughing hard. Why? Well, it summed up every fringe topic out there in 7 minutes, just like he said.
Then there is all the squawking about a 3 prong disclosure effort going on right now where each section is backed by BIG money that all have diametrically opposite theories that nobody wants to put together into a whole picture… (Not mentioning names, but I am sure you all know who)
Grant Cameron's new book: 'Managing Magic: the Government's UFO Disclosure Plan' makes some decent sense of it and is going to put a dent in the dollar value of all three when you see his point.
We have the purely spiritual new age viewpoint where everything is dimensional and plasma and we have the nuts and bolts viewpoint where none of the spiritual accounts matter and then we have the mix of the two by the experiencers the abductees and all those who have been used in some sort of experiment and then we have all of the archaeology paleontology archeo-astronomy, geology people looking into things like Stonehenge, Gobekli Tepe, the Giza plateau et al. and last but not least the electric universe theorists and quantum mechanics that are finding a new way to look at the universe that might make Intra/extra/outer dimensionality a solid piece of the game.
No one, but no one wants to put it all together. God forbid. So the inundation continues.
But Why??? Why do they need so much information out there to keep the awake ones busy - what are we supposed to NOT look at?
Could it be Nibiru? Aliens? Extra-inter-outer-over-the-top dimensionals? Quantum this or quantum that???
Like I said we are missing a prime piece of information without which we will never be able to solve this puzzle - but man! Are they trying hard or what? It's a veritable smorgasbord out there.
So there it is. I thought I was going to be able to put a nice tidy little article together but, that certainly didn't work. This is our state of affairs. Utter complete confusion. And it all just hit the fan.
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