If consciousness organizes the quantum background to create matter or appearance, then you could take your consciousness elsewhere and distill a point of reference from the surrounding background there in which to interact with the fauna and flora by the use of the principle nonlocal entanglement.
This would make you a non-local entity - or believe it or not, an ET.
This is how we would do it, by using the local quantum background to create a vehicle. You'd reach your consciousness to its destination and distill matter or an energetic body around the conscious 'you'.
In the case of a star trek like transporter, the computer would send the conscious energetic part of you through to another point in space, dissolving at one end the energy of the physical at which time on the other side it would take from the energetic subquanta the same organizational pattern to recreate the body in the new place. 2 types of energy: a cohesive packet of information that is you and a set of instructions for the recreation of the body. The consciousness would be actually aligned with the body by its own frequency field.
This is part of what is going on with orbs at this time, IMO. They are simply differing amounts of conscious penetration into the 3D field. Because we have a frequency fence here in this place, should they fully form, they might get caught, that is why we are beginning to see so many orbs of all different types. And what if these orbs are unassisted manifestations without the use of computer control: fully organic? Or, not - they could be a simple hole punched through this frequency to allow information transfer from this space to another.
"Beam me up scotty - or wait! I'll do it myself."
(of course I was listening to Whitley Strieber...)
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