More than anything, I wish I was going out to ECETI ranch for the 2017 conference. Every time I listen to James Gilliland he reminds me of all that I know and knew and forgot from being a kid to 60+ years later.
I listened to two interviews today James's As You Wish Talk Radio Show and Max Igan "The Coming 5G Roll-out & AI Will Transform Human Society By 2025!" . The two shows couldn't be more diametrically opposed. However, both shows are about realities that exist side by side at this moment on earth. There is a third point I would mention that Alex Collier talks about concerning, the galaxy as a whole and a singularity that happens around this time that traps our entire galaxy in a fourth Reich sort of control system - that he says the A's and a number of other races tracked down to earth in this here and now. I would say that the Max Igan interview outlines the start of the singularity quite clearly. We see the results of the beginning of the singularity daily as it invades our lives beyond what he can even notice as dangerous because it is so underhanded.
Then there is James Gilliland, who presents the organic side of the equation. His reasoning is effortless and easy to understand. On a very human level he calls it as it is, and I don't know about you, but when I listen it's like I've always known what he's saying. It could be because he calls up that memory from my soul, or it could be because I do know it, from all the contact and study I have done this life time.
The point is, that no matter how much I like technology, it feels ominous. I've been talking about our organic technology for the last several years on my blog - and I have used my own for a very long time. It is inbuilt. It is easier than you 'think' - in fact, you don't think to use it… Everybody has it and you don't have to do anything special, eat anything special, perform any special mental gymnastics, or any such nonsense. You only have to get past the programming that says if it happens in your mind 'it ain't real' and manage to sit still out in nature for more than 5 minutes. Why out in nature? To get as far away from wifi and any other broadcast waves as you can. But really, you don't need to because, should you decide, those vibes can't stop you either, but they can be a distraction.
You've got to understand that what you have been told about who you are and what you can do is nothing more than a false set of precepts about what you should think about yourself and life. Artists and musicians tend to get around these falsities a little easier than some because the key to going there is imagination. The biggest lie told of all time to everybody is: "Oh, it's all just in your imagination." (as if they need you to discount that entire part of yourself) when, really, it's the key to everything.
For instance, you use your imagination to pray to God, you use your imagination when you meditate, you use your imagination when you read a book, when you doodle, when you day dream, when the 'I wonder about' questions pop up in your mind. You are always using it - but you have been taught to pretend that you don't. Talk about pink elephants...
…it's easier than you think…
The transhuman agenda would have us believe that we cannot do any of those things without a device. It would have us believe that we are powerless in our human form. It will suck us in, bit by bit, until there is nothing left of the human soul and imagination and then prove to us we are worthless.
Therein is the trap.
I will just leave this here.
Think about it. Ask your imagination what it thinks about it. Go there. It's going to matter - a lot.
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