There are people out there, who are presenting a wholly rotten point of view on issues that is irresponsible, to say the least. Not good or bad - as opinion is just opinion, not fact. IMO.
I am not sure who is right. Half of their stuff I like, the other parts, I don't. some seem to get off on reporting highly negative information - if that information is right - and even if it is not, the ethical underpinnings of saying stuff like that, that is not true and making people think that it is, are horrendous. (loosh - if that is even correct…) Even if it is, is that the timeline/reality I want to be part of? Do I ACTUALLY have a choice of timelines - are there more than one - or is that a lie too???
Then there is a person, who sounds just like my husband, a highly rational thinking person, who says this is a purely manufactured bit of nonsense and that the pedophilia information is not correct. I understand that information like this is so outlandish and hurtful that it is hard to be believed. I can't say I know one way or the other - if we can believe alien abductions, MILABs, reptilians and all the rest, then it makes no sense to say this isn't real. Could it be just a ploy to rev up negative emotions. (? If the alien loosh thing is real…) Or not. The 'or not' part is a little disturbing too.
IF what you believe and how you feel creates your time line, then I WANT a far better world. I know I wrote that piece on needing to remember our flaws for the wisdom they bring, however, if switching to a better timeline means forgetting this level of stupidity, I'm almost in (but not). Why can't we do both?
This IS, after all, earth school and I don't have to believe that, I know that is a fact, 63 years a fact. It's almost as if to say that we need to suspend our credulity, information/facts and its content in order to achieve a timeline shift. (Are there conscious laws of energy here that I am missing?) It's the same as saying that if you make it through to the 'good' timeline then there will be no earth changes that destroy the world. - and if you don't, then too bad for you. It can't include lying to yourself. Nor can it include ignoring a fact, because the blindfold tactic never works either - that’s what got us here in the first place and created a world of sheep!!!!
What if, instead of
What you believe creates your reality,
it is,
What you empower by lending your focus and attention to, creates you reality?
There is something so off, so unreal underneath this, that I am beginning to feel like EVERY last bit of it is just a giant mind twist. Some Cosmic Joke - if there is such a thing.
A part of me waaaay in the back of my mind keeps asking me if this is all real anyway, and if I'm not in a coma somewhere in reality, just stuck in this life I'm living now that I think is real…At least once a day - it intrudes and asks the same question. I have no way to determine the answer, but when the question goes through me - it almost feels like it is the superior reality. HMMMM I also used to have the fantasy years ago that we were in a terrarium where we could not see out but huge beings were watching in on all of the daily life of everybody… just watching - like we do an ant farm….
All of the times in my life that the 'real' world became too hard or convoluted or messed-up I have popped through to the ET equation. Interesting there. So why? Or is it that I pop inside to try to work it out and this is what I find? I'm not sure. It’s the same as the two disparate illusions of reality battling against each other right now in the world - two time lines sometimes 3 and all of our heads spinning. And I have no answer - just frustration at not being able to distinguish truth for fiction and outright lies.
Maia would call this the insanity of this world. Today, I rather think he is right.
I am really beginning to think the nature of reality is not what we think…
So, a couple of hours later, I am helped to understand. It's not that all of this is either true or not - IMO it probably all is, however: whatever you FOCUS on expands. Period.
Now I have heard the argument that you just can't sit back on your fat ass and concentrate on unicorns and rainbows and expect it to pop up before you, curing all the ills of the world instantaneously. Righto. Point taken. I agree. HOWEVER, you can 'FOCUS' BECAUSE WHAT YOU FOCUS ON EXPANDS… Let me repeat that:
It does NOT judge
It does NOT weigh truth or lie
It does NOT gauge accuracy
It does not negate any fact
Do you understand?
If we expand the positive (and I don't mean in the aerie-fairie-new-age way) right beside the negative, then the negative could be solved faster, easier and better. Focusing on the positive creates calmness of the heart and mind and allows a different mode of thinking. Like Einstein said, "You cannot solve a problem at the level of thinking that it was created in." It in no way says any bit of information is false, or puts a judgement on it or disallows your soul sadness at the recognition of the situation - fake or not. It simply focuses. Much like when you are in pain, if you can divert your attention it doesn't hurt as much because you are not directly focused on the pain.
And then the thought hit me - that it might be the way the timelines may able to split because of the focus and the hundredth monkey effect creating a morphogenetic resonance throughout the subconscious consensus. Because none of us want misery and none of us want pain, or to see another in pain. Except the psychopaths. And they would like to force their vision upon us through main stream media, money, big pharma, pizza gate, ad nauseum…. You get the jist of it, right?
This is a fight for DOMINANCE, not fact.
This is a fight for a dominant point of view. A fight for an emotional energetic frequency cage. It's not that things like the 'pizza-gate' issue are not real, it's that how much attention are you going to FOCUS on the issue? How much of your energy are you going to just give the darkness? (even though it may be a sham… or not…) What will be your FOCUS? Will you get enraged and worry about it and let it pull your feelings into nastiness, or will you send it light and love so that it may solve the situation, or will you do responsible research? And I don't just mean listen to all the camps positions about this, I mean real research with documents and the like? Evidence as the other camp is so fond of using against the unseen world. Obviously this is NOT an unseen problem. Real people are involved in doing real things to other real people. That means there is evidence somewhere. What will be your focus?
Most of us do not have the means nor the time to spend to do the last bit. So, you have a choice, get your chain (the one attached to the metal collar around your neck) yanked, or choose to help the larger fight that will eventually change this place from one where this can happen into a place where this would never happen. (there is a lot to say about victim consciousness - but not here)
One of the greatest lessons during WWII was something that happened in the concentration camps. People learned what it meant to be sovereign in the their minds alone. Even while the most horrendous things possible were going on. (don't ask how I know, I just do.) Once again, we are in a jump and fly or crash situation. We need to take our inner sovereignty and responsibly decide what we will CHOOSE to FOCUS on.
Because sometimes the only way out, is in.
Thank you Alison. I have my own sad tale of woe with abusers from childhood. I struggle every day to not go back there and re-live. I understand that I am not alone, I’m so sad to say! What I dearly want to focus on is what positive things can I do right now for myself and others? I don’t want others to be hurt by anything I could say. For one thing, been there, done that, cried bitterly over it, had to begin again.
Is this the gauge of how we will react to disclosure? At this time, it looks that way. But we can change! We can, each of us, look to positive outcomes. We can all just do and say the next right thing. We are all suffering to one degree or another. That’s a fact. But we can help each other through these times by loving the good we see in the people around us. People we depend on to do the work they are already doing. In ourselves and our families!
We are not all the hopeless cases some folks want us to believe we are. When it comes to timelines, I want to be where there is more light than dark. And, we are the ones responsible for making the light that mattes. The kind that over powers the dark.