The Mass Marketing in my Head

January 9, 2018 Alison Bell 0

I am sure you all could really add to this list – and also see how these all intertwine on many points, but here are a few ways we are all being marketed to and lead down the garden path – and, IMO being distracted from the one thing we never do: spending time knocking around inside ourselves getting to know us.   Mass marketing scheme # 1: the oldest one around The idea that the cataclysms we know of from the past – even millions of years ago, were NOT natural. That they were created. IF: you can manipulate [-MORE-]


January 5, 2018 Alison Bell 0

It has been recognized by many people over the years that ET tech and consciousness are one and the same, and that you need to be in a certain state, frequency, to operate this tech, it is also been noticed that certain people are better at it than others.  Thus the genome project and the public offerings of things like Ancestry dot-com and its ilk popping up. If you wanted to know who had the genes, the capability and or that prevalence in a sub section of the population – what a good way to find it! Joseph Farrel talks [-MORE-]