The entire reality paradigm is about analogy. Never forget that.
All of what you perceive, all of what you see, has a sameness both above and below.
So, that means:
If you want to know if 'aliens' are good or bad, look around you.
If you want to know if relationships are different outside of 3D, look around you.
If you want to know if God (big 'G') exists, look around you.
If you want to know if love is real, look around you.
If you want to know if all the bull shit is real, look around you.
There is not one IOTA of information that is not mirrored in this reality.
Do you actually want to change the future? Change the now. Look around you,
The world we live in is a perfect analogy of the higher and the lower.
It is that SIMPLE.
Actually LOOK.
As Above,
So Below.
Merry Christmas
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