I’m Over It! – reality check (yes, it’s a rant)

October 26, 2016 Alison Bell 0

It’s all true. All of it. They can take all their cover-up lies, bread and circus, artificial stimulation and stuff it! It’s time we all get over it too. Just go there. Everything we have ever been told in the last 100 years is a sham and a lie. Most science, most history and especially most technology. Who we are and who we think we are at totally different ends of the spectrum. There is ET life all over this planet – including us. JUST GET OVER IT! I don’t think there is one piece of information that could make [-MORE-]

Dream Loud.

September 15, 2016 Alison Bell 0

Dream your dreams of a new earth. Dream them loudly. Dream them passionately. Dream them as though they were a lover’s call, for they are. We are – all of us – calling to the creation of a new timeline for earth, a better, more peaceful, more compassionate, abundant, fresh green earth. The better we dream it, the more love we call it with, the more magnificent it will be. Those of you that have the heart, those of you that have the vision, those of you who have not forgotten, we need you. Those amongst us who are the [-MORE-]

Telepathy’s learning curve: maturity, or, how to tell if you have stink-mind

September 9, 2016 Alison Bell 0

Okay, I know that advanced civilizations utilize telepathy, but, is there really a true understanding there just because of telepathy? At least on our current level of development… What I mean is, is our apprehension of an idea from a mind that wasn’t acculturated to this planet accurate? I have a feeling we will be encountering this question within the next decade pretty deeply. We will all probably have the same basic archetypal associations like mother, father, sibling, earth, ground etc., however will they have the same ‘meaning’ from one group to the next, will there be the same emotional context within [-MORE-]