50 Years

November 1, 2018 Alison Bell 0

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5Z8LHf9J6PQ   LAFORGE: There she is. She’s beautiful. …All right. Take a look. COCHRANE: Well, well, well. What have we got here? …I love a good peep show. (Cochrane looks through a telescope and sees the Enterprise orbiting) COCHRANE: Ha, ha, ha. That’s a trick. Ha, ha, ha. How’d you do that? LAFORGE: It’s your telescope. TROI: That’s our ship. The Enterprise. COCHRANE: And Lily’s up there right now? TROI (OC): That’s right. COCHRANE: Can I talk to her? RIKER: We’ve lost contact with the Enterprise. We don’t know why yet. COCHRANE: So, what is it you want me to [-MORE-]

It was a radio show, not a court of law….

October 23, 2018 Alison Bell 0

I was listening to the Jimmy Church Radio Show last night with guest Richard Dolan. I followed Richard’s chat, and I was on twitter. During the commercial breaks I listened to Richard Dolan’s conversation with his chat. Richard Dolan is an academic, an established debater, historian and knows the rules of proper conduct in a conversation/debate. He is also a very ethical man and will not overstep the guidelines for elucidation of an idea because he knows that it’s extremely unproductive. For those who do not know: Ten Simple Rules For Debating Posted by Nullus Maximus A significant amount of [-MORE-]

By the resonance of his voice…

October 16, 2018 Alison Bell 0

He did the best that he could with the highest integrity possible to inform us with out harming us, or his loved ones, while later in life bending to the greater ethic of the needs of the many that outweigh the needs of the few. Just by the resonance of his voice I loved him. Kindred souls. Kindred tired souls. By the resonance of his voice the measure of his heart was obvious. By the resonance of his voice the extent of his empathy was felt. By the resonance of his voice the ethic that was the man was known. [-MORE-]

“There’s no place like home…”

September 7, 2018 Alison Bell 0

What if… The most important thing ever said back in the early 1900’s was consciousness is the key to everything? Not just the UFO question, but E V E R Y T H I N G. What if controlling the people of this planet was easy, until the technology for almost instantaneous communication (communion) was developed, and that the controllers realized that the population of the planet would be right back at just before that Tower of Babel Moment when they were united and realized that they could use their minds in unity to accomplish anything. What if a plan [-MORE-]

IMO, how Schrodinger’s cat escaped the box. (because he did)

September 2, 2018 Alison Bell 0

Someday after mastering winds, waves, tides and gravity, we shall harness the energies of love, and then, for the second time in the history of the world, man will discover fire. — Teilhard de Chardin1   If I could say one thing about this new book I’m reading, “Microcosm and Medium”,  by Joseph P. Farrell, it would be that it is a comprehensive lesson on all topics leading to an exploration of consciousness from several viewpoints such as the Mandela effect, ‘Affekt’ itself and how the medium of space itself can be manipulated on a gigantic scale through the manipulation [-MORE-]

What is reality, really?

August 31, 2018 Alison Bell 0

In relation to my last article, I ran into a video this morning of Richard Dolan giving his new lecture in Toronto, which brings this question of ‘What is reality, really?’ back up in my mind. Because of the way scientism crept into our culture via the new way to understand the world around us by measurement, technology has slipped into our lives creating a far more mental, cultural paradigm into our ideas of ‘what-is-real’. And because this very mentally weighted cultural change to what is valuable has taken the emphasis off of human to human/ human to nature interactions [-MORE-]

No Image

A poem for now written in 1951.

August 31, 2018 Alison Bell 0

The human heart can go the lengths of God… Dark and cold we may be, but this Is no winter now. The frozen misery Of centuries breaks, cracks, begins to move; The thunder is the thunder of the floes, The thaw, the flood, the upstart Spring. Thank God our time is now when wrong Comes up to face us everywhere, Never to leave us till we take The longest stride of soul we ever took. Affairs are now soul size. The enterprise Is exploration into God. Where are you making for? It takes So many thousand years to wake, But [-MORE-]


August 31, 2018 Alison Bell 0

How would we know that one person’s perception is any different than our own? We assume that because others are not acting strangely that they are seeing/perceiving what we are. And that they are feeling – which is their own inner reaction to the perception – the same as we are especially if those feelings appear to be the same, IE: everybody is crying, everybody is laughing.   But what if life is just slightly off in a couple of important ways? For you? What if you are born knowing pretty closely what people are thinking, or at least their [-MORE-]

…and in my heart, it is Christmas morning.

June 21, 2018 Alison Bell 0

I know this whole opening into a better world belongs to our children and the future. Last Night’s Jimmy Church Radio Show for Disclosure Fest simply warmed the totality of my heart! Disclosure and all, and I mean all, that it is about has finally reached a ground swell, has finally gotten enough momentum to continue. There are finally enough of us out there who know the truth –  that even if ‘the-they’ tried to confuse the issue one more time as Grant Cameron has pointed out that they have about every 20 years in his book ‘Managing Magic’ the-they [-MORE-]

Sinister Laughter

May 24, 2018 Alison Bell 0

Depending on what mind set you are coming from, it seems there is a strategy to send you down a deep rabbit hole. The Deeper the hole, the deeper the thinker, the more twisted and insidious the game. I have spent a great amount of time and effort to keep my nose out of societies, informational groups, educational ivory towers and obvious collections of people in various genres. I have plundered a wonderful smorgasbord of theories from everywhere. This has not led me to any answers, but I have observed a weirdness factor in every direction I look that seems [-MORE-]