The threads pulled.

March 10, 2017 Alison Bell 0

I’m not sure whether it’s just me and the algorithms that have my research stamp all over them, but I have noticed that in the last week, it seems the new thread popping up everywhere is that of ancient archeology, the footprints of the annunaki on the planet and what happened to Atlantis and Antarctica and the Deep State. I’ve seen it in all the of fringy articles out there in the threads that that are being connected from all of the above topics. In just you tube alone (member of google) the number of conspiracy videos on say chemtrail [-MORE-]

What is ‘really’ real: the frequency wars

February 27, 2017 Alison Bell 0

I have talked about this before several times. But it seems to need to be brought forward, yet again. The world was already really good at ‘mind control’ back in the 50′. It’s how they managed to get away with creating WWII and making it completely horrific. Since then science has lent its vast developing discovery base towards using this information to create absolute control of the human mind. As everybody who knows has pointed out, this has been a many pronged approach including all aspects of what we consider daily life: food, medicine, religion, schooling/education, government, spirituality, [-MORE-]

The Round File

February 14, 2017 Alison Bell 0

Jimmy Church made an excellent point last night with a call in guest at the last of the show when the ‘who-to-believe’ question came up. Everybody who says anything in this field, IMO, has a valid contribution to make according to their experience and their view point. It is when you lay it ALL out on the table, so to speak, and look at it from a standing viewpoint, instead of up close that you begin to sus-out the pattern in front of you. THIS IS REALLY IMPORTANT to do. In fact, it is a must, if you want to try [-MORE-]

It’s all true: in its own way

January 26, 2017 Alison Bell 0

[Ok, I suppose some explanation is in order here. Look, ‘Disclosure’ happened in ’47. Can we just get over it and get on? We, as Faders already KNOW what is up. Come on – get with the plan and start asking what is next. Which, most of us, already have a good idea of. Ahem. We ARE the leaders. We know. We need to lead. We are in the middle of the next step. Guys, I am, and a lot of ppl are, counting on us to bring up the next question.] from FB in the comments for Olav Phillips, Wednesday night.   [-MORE-]

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Jan 1st Addendum – high strangeness

January 4, 2017 Alison Bell 0

Jan 1st Addendum – high strangeness Wednesday, January 4, 2017 10:52 AM I am watching a video by Harold Kautz Vella in , but of course, black goo and the difference tween bi-nary and tri-nary intelligence. One of the things he talks about is the ability of trinary centered consciousness interfering with binary systems. While I was watching this and being really fired up because it was ringing so damned true inside – resonating to my current level of understanding of things, my computer started to really drive me crazy. I have a blue tooth mouse and for some reason [-MORE-]


December 20, 2016 Alison Bell 0

Where is our folksoul? The one that is this earth inside our hearts? Where has it gone? The one who vibrates with Gaia’s thoughts? The one who heeds her calling and shows up? The one that was aware of every nuance of her song? The one that felt a river of love that never diminished, the one that knew Gaia’s language, her heartsong? We have lost our deep legends, our inner story that was once our truth. We didn’t know that we were losing it. It happened so slowly. That frog in a can thing all over again. Slowly, slowly [-MORE-]

Standing Rock: the Reason there is Hope for the Human Race

December 4, 2016 Alison Bell 0

Sunday, December 4, 2016 7:17 AM All of the people, all over the world are watching and are helping, are praying and supporting those that are Standing for the earth and its peoples who care for the human race over profit. This ground swell of support, of millions of people on this planet for what is humanly right and supportive of life and love for this planet and the continuance of it in balance and who hold sacred this place, gives me great hope that we awaken: at the right time, for the right reasons and interconnect with our hearts [-MORE-]

Its all in the language – Hiero: phant, glyph archy, ocrasy… Divide and Conquer

November 23, 2016 Alison Bell 0

This is a continuation on my ruminations about how language is our arbiter of reality. I’ve thought about this my whole life, but the new movie ‘Arrival’ really sparked some new thoughts. Plus I’m not as smart as Laird Scranton. -A Important definitions used in this article hiero- Word Origin  a combining form meaning “sacred,” “priestly,” used in the formation of compound words: hierocracy. also, especially before a vowel, hier-. ( in french meaning YESTERDAY) Origin of hiero- From <> hiero- or before a vowel hier- combining form: holy or divine: hierocracy; hierarchy. [from Greek, from hieros] Collins English Dictionary – Complete [-MORE-]

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For your perusal

November 21, 2016 Alison Bell 0

I have watched all three of these and find them chock full of interesting information. As always, use discernment. However, I liked them, a lot. -Alison Robert Wood and William Tompkins Interview – Part 1 Published on Nov 14, 2016 In this multi-part interview series, we meet with William Tompkins and Dr. Robert Wood – the author and editor of Bill’s autobiography, Selected by Extraterrestrials, My Life in the Top Secret World of UFOs, Think-tanks, and Nordic Secretaries. In part one; we explore Dr. Bob’s work at Douglas Aircraft as an engineer and his scientific research into UFOs and how [-MORE-]

Language is the Metaphor for Time: change the language, change time.

November 17, 2016 Alison Bell 0

(no, this is NOT a spoiler) Important word meanings in this post: Metaphor: to transfer – to carry over – to bear – across Logos: ‘I say’ Context: weave together High: metaphorical Low: verbal Subtext: below – underlying meaning Intention/intent: extend towards plan, mean, have in mind, have the intention, aim, purpose All links to other articles are in purple The Armenian name of the Lord explains the oldest origin of the word God we have at 3,000BCE. God means ‘he is’ or ‘I am who I am’ When the ‘IS’ was just one, before it decided to ‘BE’, its [-MORE-]