Conversations with Maia Dalma on the previous article: IMO

August 24, 2016 Alison Bell 0

There was, to my great surprise, quite the conversation going on around this last article. It seems to have hit a common nerve amongst those of us who are trying to keep a finger on what is currently going on in the bigger picture: in the solar system and beyond. Maia Dalma and I have had this conversation in many ways and through many lenses over the last year. Always Maia’s perspective is unique, a mixture of many things, intriguing and inspiring. One of the best posts was ‘9 Days’, on its third or fourth go-round in social media. This is [-MORE-]

Questions and Observations: excerpts from external world recovery progress notebook

August 19, 2016 Alison Bell 0

Time started shifting for me back in the mid 1980’s. I remember very distinctly waking up and feeling something was off. It was about the time I started to have anomalous rt. ear sounds like falling water, on and off and also high pitched tones intermittently in both ears. During this time I would also have ‘energy shocks’ running my spine that would feel like I stuck my finger in an outlet and make even my teeth hurt. It got more frequent in 2000, at least once a week I woke feeling like I had moved sideways in time. The [-MORE-]

Toruk: Cirque du Soleil, an invitation, of sorts…

August 15, 2016 Alison Bell 0

Because it was the 16 year anniversary of the day we met – which really hit us both between our proverbial eyes, and because, I passed by Vegas on the way home from CITD 2016 and the 15 minutes it took to drive by on the freeway was worth 2 weeks of energetic disruption to me (so he’s never dragging me back – evar) we decided to go see TORUK right here in good ‘ol Indianapolis. The ability to create an immersive and interactive theater experience, the engineering and creative design, and the psychology all combined to drag you into an [-MORE-]

IMO (yep another one…) or: If it was a snake it would have bit you!

August 9, 2016 Alison Bell 0

How can we say that one set of experiences are true and another set of experiences are false? Unless we were there how do we really know? We have been taught to judge by criterion that are false in the first place. A set of criterion that were designed to call into question and disavow anything that could move our recognition of reality out of the box it has been put in. I will just say that earth has been and is visited all the time by people who were not born here. Much the same way that we travel [-MORE-]