The Roswell Alien Interview : the information cycle

March 23, 2016 Alison Bell 2

I have been struck by the similarities of old and new information lately and the cyclic re-emergence of all of it. I have run across the book: Alien Interview By Matilda O’Donnell Macelroy.  The material in this book sounds like The Law of 1, the Bailey books, plus the Emerald Tablets of Thoth. It also sounds like the Blue Avians message. It also reminds me of the messages of the old-guys – Adamski, Menger, and VanTassell, (1) and what they wrote about the space bother’s message. I find that really, in whatever form it has come to earth, the message that was delivered [-MORE-]

Conversations with a group heart/mind on disclosure and the world as it is.

March 23, 2016 Alison Bell 0

I am blessed to know these people who speak through one name, although they are separate bodies and separate people but not separate hearts and minds. So, I asked to share this because I knew the answer would be a precious gem of wisdom. Now I share it with you – having permission to do so. If you were from off planet, would you see us this way? Alison Bell Have you heard this? I am curious of your thoughts, if you have. ROSWELL-Interview with an Alien-PART ONE In July 1947 the Roswell Army Air Field issued a press [-MORE-]