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GMO Food Labeling

March 24, 2016 Casper Parks 0

GMO Foods Genetically Modified Organisms When hearing, reading and watching GMOs in the news it generally refers to meats and plant based foods. Altering food is for a variety of reasons: The ability to withstand droughts, resistance to pests, nicer appearance, faster growth and bulk, and battle famine in third world countries. There are many arguments in favor and against GMOs. GMOs have been around for years, are here to stay and will continue expanding into the market; hence, the debate is an individual’s right to know what they are eating. What are the odds of a family sitting at [-MORE-]

Gaia’s Song Of Love

March 24, 2016 Alison Bell 0

We practically know the whole story – at least the high points that make sense to the craziness on this planet. I’m not going to enumerate them either, just to say we know who the bullies are. And what do you do with bullies? You turn around, walk away and ignore them – why? Because they need your attention to succeed in their bullying. Yes, what they are doing is not right, and they will reap what their actions have sown. But I am not going to be the one who delivers that justice, Karma will. Rather, I am still [-MORE-]