Density vs. Denseness

April 3, 2017 Alison Bell 0

From watching David Wilcock’s series “Wisdom Teachings” I have learned about the quantum state underlying the appearance of all matter and its behavior. David is relating this to how the prophesied ‘Burp of the Sun’ will actually happen from a scientific view point with the math to prove it. This is NOT the current scient-ISM, but actual science. Each star we see has its own fields of density around it. Mainstream science would have us believe that it is red shift (velocity of travel through space). Dr. Harold Aspden has correctly discovered that it is a quantum field density that [-MORE-]

We ARE Electric

January 31, 2017 Alison Bell 0

This idea comes directly from David Wilcock’s Wisdom Teachings about how red shift is NOT velocity, but a quanta of energy. It is also about the evolving human – something I’ve got ideas on that are overflowing my round file. We are electric. Our atoms are electric, our systems (organ systems like heart and lungs, tissues etc.) are electric and if seen as electric charge (frequency only) look like the chakra systems. We have a million small zero points in the atoms and molecules that make up our body plus larger ones that make up the organ systems. And one [-MORE-]

Its all in the language – Hiero: phant, glyph archy, ocrasy… Divide and Conquer

November 23, 2016 Alison Bell 0

This is a continuation on my ruminations about how language is our arbiter of reality. I’ve thought about this my whole life, but the new movie ‘Arrival’ really sparked some new thoughts. Plus I’m not as smart as Laird Scranton. -A Important definitions used in this article hiero- Word Origin  a combining form meaning “sacred,” “priestly,” used in the formation of compound words: hierocracy. also, especially before a vowel, hier-. ( in french meaning YESTERDAY) Origin of hiero- From <> hiero- or before a vowel hier- combining form: holy or divine: hierocracy; hierarchy. [from Greek, from hieros] Collins English Dictionary – Complete [-MORE-]

Language is the Metaphor for Time: change the language, change time.

November 17, 2016 Alison Bell 0

(no, this is NOT a spoiler) Important word meanings in this post: Metaphor: to transfer – to carry over – to bear – across Logos: ‘I say’ Context: weave together High: metaphorical Low: verbal Subtext: below – underlying meaning Intention/intent: extend towards plan, mean, have in mind, have the intention, aim, purpose All links to other articles are in purple The Armenian name of the Lord explains the oldest origin of the word God we have at 3,000BCE. God means ‘he is’ or ‘I am who I am’ When the ‘IS’ was just one, before it decided to ‘BE’, its [-MORE-]

Wisdom needs weight: the need to remain conscious of timelines and their history.

November 8, 2016 Alison Bell 0

Wisdom needs weight If it is possible, that we are timeline creating and jumping, let us not forget that the wisdom we need to create an optimal timeline, one where we are the compassionate beings we are meant to be, requires memory of where we have been because it is the sum of our learning that is the wisdom that is the key linchpin of who we choose to become in every moment. Wisdom is the knowing WHY we are choosing differently, wisdom is the ability to discern the choice. Yes, our history can be so very heavy – the [-MORE-]

Awareness: if it quacks like a duck…

October 28, 2016 Alison Bell 0

Disclosure: it’s not so much about who did what to whom, who’s here and who’s not, who broke away and who didn’t. It’s about Awareness. Once you get past the old nuts and bolts type of discovery, and into actual communication with beings from off planet, you realize one thing. Everybody else in the universe is telepathic. Everybody else uses their minds. Everybody else doesn’t think that the only thing that is real is the body or 3D. The one connecting thread through all the stuff that we fringe are interested in, the ‘paranormal’ Para: (outside of normal parameters) prefix: [-MORE-]

I’m Over It! – reality check (yes, it’s a rant)

October 26, 2016 Alison Bell 0

It’s all true. All of it. They can take all their cover-up lies, bread and circus, artificial stimulation and stuff it! It’s time we all get over it too. Just go there. Everything we have ever been told in the last 100 years is a sham and a lie. Most science, most history and especially most technology. Who we are and who we think we are at totally different ends of the spectrum. There is ET life all over this planet – including us. JUST GET OVER IT! I don’t think there is one piece of information that could make [-MORE-]

Mirror, mirror, on the wall, are we all bat-shit-crazy?

September 30, 2016 Alison Bell 0

The Mandela Effect (ME) Dr. Blair Reich has been studying this effect for a while now. He has had a survey up on his web site, actually several of them. With one of those surveys one he has collected over 25,000 responses to various survey questions. In this Groovy Bean Interview below with Justin Dechamps, Yvonne Palermo, they speak with Dr. Reich and go through some popular ME’s (Mandela Effects) along with how they came out in the research. This is highly interesting because Dr. Reich has done it right and has been able to ear mark the difference between [-MORE-]

We did it again!

September 8, 2016 Alison Bell 0

Just a short little observation today. It seems that in this march of disclosure, we (I, more specifically) assimilate information in different stages. I get given an awareness of a particular piece, say for instance, the David Icke information, and the first time I watch it, yes, I understand, but there is a part of me that says even though he makes logical sense, my gut is just not picking it up because it’s too wild. Then, a year later, I review some of his information again and voila! He is smartest person I have ever heard and there it [-MORE-]

Dialogue on last post: Jumping sideways in Time by Maia Dalma

August 30, 2016 Alison Bell 0

Perhaps we can explain this a little differently, Alison. And answer a question you posed by dispelling your fear of the answer you seek? Only you can recognize the things you fear. So let us begin here. The reason why you are afraid of so many things should be apparent to you by now. To all of you. But you have all been denied. Each of you. Or you would not be seeking. You would have already found. Consciousness is about love, because it is about you. You have been told over and over again, by so many different lies [-MORE-]