Dialogue on last post: Jumping sideways in Time by Maia Dalma

August 30, 2016 Alison Bell 0

Perhaps we can explain this a little differently, Alison. And answer a question you posed by dispelling your fear of the answer you seek? Only you can recognize the things you fear. So let us begin here. The reason why you are afraid of so many things should be apparent to you by now. To all of you. But you have all been denied. Each of you. Or you would not be seeking. You would have already found. Consciousness is about love, because it is about you. You have been told over and over again, by so many different lies [-MORE-]

Jumping sideways in time

August 30, 2016 Alison Bell 0

Last week the mothership crop circle had an internal line between the inside part and the outer ring of symbols. As of Monday when the pictures of the crop circle popped back up – that line is gone from the circle. This is the first time that I have seen external evidence of a sideways jump. Usually the energy and emotional tenor of things feel different to me. This time I really didn’t notice that, But I saw the difference, in a picture. Which brings up a number of questions for me because my personal Mandela effect has changed. What [-MORE-]